0034/2022 - Diabetes autorreferido e fatores associados na população adulta brasileira: Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde, 2019 Self-reported diabetes and factors associated in the Brazilian adult population: National Health Survey, 2019
O estudo objetiva analisar a prevalência de diabetes autorreferido e fatores associados na população adulta brasileira. Estudo transversal usando a Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde 2019. Estimaram-se as prevalências e razões de prevalência brutas (RP) e ajustadas (RPa) de diabetes autorreferido, com intervalos de confiança (IC95%), empregando-se Regressão de Poisson. Nos 82.349 adultos, a prevalência de diabetes autorreferida foi 7,7%. Associaram-se positivamente: idade avançada sendo maior após 60 anos (RPa 24,87; IC95% 15,78-39,18); residir nas Regiões Nordeste (RPa 1,16; IC95% 1,04-1,29), Sudeste (RPa 1,27; IC95% 1,14-1,43), Sul (RPa 1,18; IC95% 1,05-1,34) e Centro-Oeste (RPa 1,21; IC95% 1,06-1,38), ser ex-fumante (RPa 1,17; IC95% 1,09-1,27), autoavaliação de saúde regular (RPa 2,41; IC95% 2,21-2,64), ruim/muito ruim (RPa 3,45; IC95% 3,06-3,88), ter doença cardíaca (RPa 1,81; IC95% 1,64-2,00), hipertensão (RPa 2,84; IC95% 2,60-3,69), colesterol elevado (RPa 2,22; IC95% 2,05-2,41), sobrepeso (RPa 1,49; IC95% 1,36-1,64) e obesidade (RPa 2,25; IC95% 2,05- 2,47). Conclui-se que o diabetes nos adultos brasileiros associa-se com fatores sociodemográficos, envelhecimento, estilos de vida e morbidades. Esses resultados podem orientar políticas públicas para prevenção e controle da doença no Brasil.
Diabetes Mellitus, Fatores de Risco, Inquéritos Epidemiológicos, Brasil
The study aimed to analyze the prevalence of self-reported diabetes and associated factors in the adult Brazilian population. Cross-sectional study using the 2019 National Health Survey. Prevalence and crude prevalence ratios (PR) and adjusted (PRa) of self-reported diabetes were estimated, with confidence intervals (95%CI), using Poisson regression. In the 82,349 adults, the prevalence of self-reported diabetes was 7.7%. Positively associated factors were: advanced age being higher after 60 years (RPa 24.87; 95%CI 15.78-39.18); living in the Northeast (RPa 1.16; 95%CI 1.04-1.29), Southeast (RPa 1.27; 95%CI 1.14-1.43), South (RPa 1.18; 95%CI 1, 05-1.34) and Midwest (RPa 1.21; 95%CI 1.06-1.38), being a former smoker (RPa 1.17; 95%CI 1.09-1.27), self-assessment of regular health (PRa 2.41; 95%CI 2.21-2.64), poor/very bad (PRa 3.45; 95%CI 3.06-3.88), having heart disease (PRa 1.81; CI95 % 1.64-2.00), hypertension (RPa 2.84; 95%CI 2.60-3.69), high cholesterol (RPa 2.22; 95%CI 2.05-2.41), overweight (RPa 1.49; 95%CI 1.36-1.64) and obesity (RPa 2.25; 95%CI 2.05-2.47). It is concluded that diabetes in Brazilian adults is associated with sociodemographic factors, aging, lifestyles and morbidities. results can public policies for policy prevention and control in Brazil.
Diabetes Mellitus, Risk Factors, Health Surveys, Brazil
Self-reported diabetes and factors associated in the Brazilian adult population: National Health Survey, 2019
Resumo (abstract):
The study aimed to analyze the prevalence of self-reported diabetes and associated factors in the adult Brazilian population. Cross-sectional study using the 2019 National Health Survey. Prevalence and crude prevalence ratios (PR) and adjusted (PRa) of self-reported diabetes were estimated, with confidence intervals (95%CI), using Poisson regression. In the 82,349 adults, the prevalence of self-reported diabetes was 7.7%. Positively associated factors were: advanced age being higher after 60 years (RPa 24.87; 95%CI 15.78-39.18); living in the Northeast (RPa 1.16; 95%CI 1.04-1.29), Southeast (RPa 1.27; 95%CI 1.14-1.43), South (RPa 1.18; 95%CI 1, 05-1.34) and Midwest (RPa 1.21; 95%CI 1.06-1.38), being a former smoker (RPa 1.17; 95%CI 1.09-1.27), self-assessment of regular health (PRa 2.41; 95%CI 2.21-2.64), poor/very bad (PRa 3.45; 95%CI 3.06-3.88), having heart disease (PRa 1.81; CI95 % 1.64-2.00), hypertension (RPa 2.84; 95%CI 2.60-3.69), high cholesterol (RPa 2.22; 95%CI 2.05-2.41), overweight (RPa 1.49; 95%CI 1.36-1.64) and obesity (RPa 2.25; 95%CI 2.05-2.47). It is concluded that diabetes in Brazilian adults is associated with sociodemographic factors, aging, lifestyles and morbidities. results can public policies for policy prevention and control in Brazil.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Diabetes Mellitus, Risk Factors, Health Surveys, Brazil
Malta, D. C., Bernal, R. T. I., Nogueira de Sá, A.C.M.G, Silva, T.M.R., Iser, B.P.M., Duncan, B. D., Schimdt, M. I.. Diabetes autorreferido e fatores associados na população adulta brasileira: Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde, 2019. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2022/mar). [Citado em 23/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/diabetes-autorreferido-e-fatores-associados-na-populacao-adulta-brasileira-pesquisa-nacional-de-saude-2019/18290?id=18290