0131/2019 - Diagnóstico nutricional de pessoas que vivem com HIV/AIDS: Revisão de protocolos nacionais e internacionais. Nutritional diagnosis of people living with HIV/AIDS: Review of national and international protocols .
A infecção pelo HIV é preditora de diversas alterações metabólicas e de composição corporal, além de quadro de desnutrição, anemia e hipovitaminoses. Existem assim, especificidades de diagnóstico e tratamento conforme o estágio da doença e o ambiente ambulatorial ou hospitalar. O objetivo desse trabalho é apresentar arcabouço teórico e conceitual sobre a realização do diagnóstico nutricional em pessoas que vivem com HIV/AIDS. Buscou-se evidências científicas atuais nacionais e internacionais publicadas em artigos científicos, livros recentes, protocolos, consensos e diretrizes. O diagnóstico nutricional engloba vários aspectos e habilidades clínicas e conhecimentos específicos sobre essa morbidade. Assim, devido sua complexidade e abrangência, compreende: história clínica e situação clínica atual, consumo alimentar, dados antropométricos, composição corporal, bioquímicos, pressão arterial e exame físico. Foi demonstrado o processo de diagnóstico nutricional de forma a fornecer subsídios para as equipes de saúde na identificação de parâmetros que possibilitem instituir um plano de cuidado nutricional que promova, previna e recupere as alterações detectadas nas pessoas que vivem com HIV/AIDS.
HIV infection is predictive of several metabolic and body composition changes and body composition, in addition, malnutrition, anemia, and hypovitaminosis. There are thus specificities of diagnosis and treatment depending on the stage of the disease and the outpatient or hospital environment. Objective of this narrative review was to update the conceptual and theoretical framework about the nutritional diagnosis in people living with HIV/AIDS. Current national and international scientific evidence published in scientific articles, recent books, protocols, consensuses and guidelines were analyzed. The nutritional diagnosis encompasses several aspects and clinical abilities and specific knowledge about HIV/AIDS, such as: clinical history and current clinical situation, food consumption, anthropometric data, body composition, and biochemistry, blood pressure and physical examination. This study demonstrates the complexity of nutritional diagnosis process and provide subsidies for health teams, to identify parameters that make it possible to establish a plan for nutritional care to promote, prevent and recover the changes detected in people living with HIV/AIDS .
Nutritional diagnosis of people living with HIV/AIDS: Review of national and international protocols .
Resumo (abstract):
HIV infection is predictive of several metabolic and body composition changes and body composition, in addition, malnutrition, anemia, and hypovitaminosis. There are thus specificities of diagnosis and treatment depending on the stage of the disease and the outpatient or hospital environment. Objective of this narrative review was to update the conceptual and theoretical framework about the nutritional diagnosis in people living with HIV/AIDS. Current national and international scientific evidence published in scientific articles, recent books, protocols, consensuses and guidelines were analyzed. The nutritional diagnosis encompasses several aspects and clinical abilities and specific knowledge about HIV/AIDS, such as: clinical history and current clinical situation, food consumption, anthropometric data, body composition, and biochemistry, blood pressure and physical examination. This study demonstrates the complexity of nutritional diagnosis process and provide subsidies for health teams, to identify parameters that make it possible to establish a plan for nutritional care to promote, prevent and recover the changes detected in people living with HIV/AIDS .
Silveira, E.A., Falco, M.O. Diagnóstico nutricional de pessoas que vivem com HIV/AIDS: Revisão de protocolos nacionais e internacionais.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/mai). [Citado em 22/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/diagnostico-nutricional-de-pessoas-que-vivem-com-hivaids-revisao-de-protocolos-nacionais-e-internacionais/17205?id=17205