0282/2016 - Fatores associados à adesão terapêutica em idosos diabéticos assistidos na atenção primária de saúde Factors associated with elderly diabetic adherence to treatment in primary health care
Estudo que investiga os fatores associados à adesão terapêutica em 150 idosos diabéticos assistidos em serviço gerontogeriátrico de natureza ambulatorial no Nordeste do Brasil. Dentre os idosos, 27,3% autorreferiram adesão integral a terapêutica. Na análise bivariada a adesão esteve associada com a autopercepção da saúde, crenças no uso dos remédios, entendimento das explicações sobre o diabetes e profissional responsável pelas orientações sobre o tratamento. Após análise ajustada, apenas as crenças no medicamento foi significativa ao comparar não adesão com adesão integral (OR=9,65; IC95% 1,6;56,6) e não adesão com adesão parcial (OR=18,15; IC95% 3,5;95,4). Conclui-se que a adesão integral ao tratamento para o diabetes é baixa e está associada às crenças nas medicações utilizadas para o controle da doença. Faz-se necessário o desenvolvimento de estudos adicionais para melhor definir o papel das crenças em saúde e as práticas de cuidados entre idosos assistidos na atenção básica de saúde.
Adesão à terapêuticaIdosoDiabetes MellitusAtenção Primária de Saúde
Study investigating associated factors with adherence in 150 elderly diabetics assisted in gerontogeriátrico service outpatient nature in northeastern Brazil. The full adherence therapy was present among 27.3% of elderly. In the bi-variates analysis the adherence was associated with self-perceived health, belief in the use of medication, understanding of explanations on diabetes and professional responsible for guidance on treatment. After analysis adjustment, only the belief in medicine was significant when comparing non-compliance with full adherence (OR=9.65; IC95% 1.6;56.6) and non-adherence with partial adherence (OR=18.15; IC95% 3.5;95.4). It can be concluded that full adherence to the diabetes treatment is low and is associated with beliefs in medications used to control the disease. It is necessary to develop additional studies to better define the role of health beliefs and practices of care among elderly assisted in basic health care.
Adherence to treatmentElderlyDiabetes MellitusPrimary health care
Factors associated with elderly diabetic adherence to treatment in primary health care
Resumo (abstract):
Study investigating associated factors with adherence in 150 elderly diabetics assisted in gerontogeriátrico service outpatient nature in northeastern Brazil. The full adherence therapy was present among 27.3% of elderly. In the bi-variates analysis the adherence was associated with self-perceived health, belief in the use of medication, understanding of explanations on diabetes and professional responsible for guidance on treatment. After analysis adjustment, only the belief in medicine was significant when comparing non-compliance with full adherence (OR=9.65; IC95% 1.6;56.6) and non-adherence with partial adherence (OR=18.15; IC95% 3.5;95.4). It can be concluded that full adherence to the diabetes treatment is low and is associated with beliefs in medications used to control the disease. It is necessary to develop additional studies to better define the role of health beliefs and practices of care among elderly assisted in basic health care.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Adherence to treatmentElderlyDiabetes MellitusPrimary health care
Borba, Anna Karla de Oliveira Tito, Marques, APO, Ramos, V. P., Leal, MCC, Arruda, Ilma Kruze Grande, Ramos, R.S.P.S. Fatores associados à adesão terapêutica em idosos diabéticos assistidos na atenção primária de saúde. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/jun). [Citado em 22/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/fatores-associados-a-adesao-terapeutica-em-idosos-diabeticos-assistidos-na-atencao-primaria-de-saude/15707?id=15707