0360/2018 - Fatores associados aos padrões alimentares no segundo semestre de vida. Factors associated with the food patterns in the second semester of life.
Objetivo: Identificar padrões alimentares de crianças com 6, 9 e 12 meses e sua associação com variáveis socioeconômicas, comportamentais, de nascimento e nutrição. Métodos: Estudo transversal com crianças de uma coorte em Viçosa-MG, sendo 112 crianças com 6 meses, 149 com 9 meses e 117 com 12 meses. O consumo alimentar foi avaliado por um recordatório de 24 horas e os padrões extraídos por análise de agrupamentos. Resultados: O leite materno foi identificado em pelo menos um padrão alimentar em todos os meses. Houve baixa participação de alimentos ultraprocessados nos padrões alimentares identificados. No 6° mês, crianças com menor renda familiar tiveram menos chance de pertencer ao padrão alimentar composto por fórmulas lácteas. Já o sobrepeso/obesidade foi 3,69 vezes maior em crianças que compunham o padrão 2 (fórmulas lácteas, verduras, legumes, carne bovina e pêra). Aos 12 meses o déficit de estatura (RP=3,28) e o uso de mamadeira (RP=4,51) estiveram associados ao padrão alimentar composto por fórmulas lácteas e leite de vaca. Conclusão: Os padrões alimentares identificados refletiram a importante participação do leite materno na alimentação das crianças. Padrões alimentares com a presença de outros tipos de leite, foram associados a desvios nutricionais e uso de mamadeiras.
análise de padrão alimentar, nutrição de crianças, leite.
Objective: To identify dietary patterns of children aged 6, 9 and 12 months and its association with socioeconomic, behavioral, birth and nutrition variables. Methods: Cross-sectional study with a cohort of children in Viçosa, MG, with 112 children aged 6 months to 9 months 149 and 117 with 12 months. Dietary intake was assessed by a 24-hour recall and patterns extracted by cluster analysis. Results: Breast milk was identified in at least one food pattern in all months. There was low participation of ultraprocessed foods in the dietary patterns identified. In the 6th month, children with lower family income were less likely to belong to food pattern composed of milk formulas. On the other hand, overweight / obesity was 3.69 times higher in children who belonged the food pattern 2 (milk formulas, vegetables, vegetables, beef and pear). At 12 months, height deficit (PR = 3.28) and bottle use (PR = 4.51) were associated with dietary pattern 2 composed of milk formulas and cow\'s milk. Conclusion: The identified food patterns reflected the important participation of breast milk in the feeding of the children. Food patterns with the presence of other types of milk were associated with nutritional deviations and use of bottles.
dietary pattern analysis, nutrition in children, milk.
Factors associated with the food patterns in the second semester of life.
Resumo (abstract):
Objective: To identify dietary patterns of children aged 6, 9 and 12 months and its association with socioeconomic, behavioral, birth and nutrition variables. Methods: Cross-sectional study with a cohort of children in Viçosa, MG, with 112 children aged 6 months to 9 months 149 and 117 with 12 months. Dietary intake was assessed by a 24-hour recall and patterns extracted by cluster analysis. Results: Breast milk was identified in at least one food pattern in all months. There was low participation of ultraprocessed foods in the dietary patterns identified. In the 6th month, children with lower family income were less likely to belong to food pattern composed of milk formulas. On the other hand, overweight / obesity was 3.69 times higher in children who belonged the food pattern 2 (milk formulas, vegetables, vegetables, beef and pear). At 12 months, height deficit (PR = 3.28) and bottle use (PR = 4.51) were associated with dietary pattern 2 composed of milk formulas and cow\'s milk. Conclusion: The identified food patterns reflected the important participation of breast milk in the feeding of the children. Food patterns with the presence of other types of milk were associated with nutritional deviations and use of bottles.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
dietary pattern analysis, nutrition in children, milk.
de Carvalho, C.A., Fonsêca, P.C.A, Nobre, L.N, Silva, M.A, Pessoa, M.C, Ribeiro, A.Q, Priore, S.E, Franceschini, S. Fatores associados aos padrões alimentares no segundo semestre de vida.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/jul). [Citado em 22/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/fatores-associados-aos-padroes-alimentares-no-segundo-semestre-de-vida/16893?id=16893&id=16893