0034/2016 - Fatores associados às faltas em tratamentos ortodônticos em centro de especialidades odontológicas Factors associated with absences in orthodontic treatment at dental specialties center
• Emilio Prado Fonseca - FONSECA, EMILIO PRADO - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Odontologia da FOP/UNICAMP, Saúde Coletiva - <emiliopraddo@ig.com.br> +
• José Pascoal da Silva Junior - Junior, José Pascoal da Silva - Consórcio Público de Saúde da Microrregião de Russas, CEO - Centro de Especialidades Odontológicas - <jpascoaljunior@gmail.com>
• Antonio Carlos Pereira - Pereira, A.C. - Piracicaba, - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) / Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba (UNICAMP), OdontologiaSocial - <apereira@fop.unicamp.br> ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1703-8171
• Marcelo de Castro Meneghim - Meneghim, M.C. - Piracicaba-SP, SP - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) / Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba (UNICAMP), OdontologiaSocial - <meneghim@fop.unicamp.br>
Área Temática:
Saúde Bucal
O objetivo desse estudo foi identificar os fatores associados ao não comparecimento dos usuários ao tratamento ortodôntico, em três centros de especialidades odontológicas regionais (CEO-R) localizados no estado do Ceará. Metodologia: Os dados foram extraídos de prontuários de pacientes que concluíram o tratamento ortodôntico. Foi calculada a taxa de faltas com o objetivo de estabelecer um coeficiente de faltas entre os municípios. A fim de descrever o padrão geográfico da ocorrência, foram construídos mapas temáticos baseados nas distribuições. Para as associações entre a variável desfecho (falta ao tratamento) e as variáveis independentes (sexo, idade, quebra de aparelho, mudança de profissional, renda e local de residência do usuário) utilizou-se a análise de regressão logística múltipla com p ≤0,05. Resultados: Foram examinados 237 prontuários em 20 municípios com 8.283 consultas ortodônticas realizadas e 2.665 (32,17%) faltas. Apresentou diferença estatisticamente significativa a variável mudança de profissional. Conclusão: O maior número de faltas foi associado à mudança de profissional.
AbsenteísmoEpidemiologiaOrtodontiaSaúde BucalServiço de Saúde Bucal
The aim of this study was to identify factors associated with the non-attendance of users to orthodontic treatment in three Regional Centers of Dental Specialties (CEO-R) located in the state of Ceará. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional epidemiological study with secondary data source of 3 CEO-R. 237 medical records of complete orthodontic treatments were examined with 8.283 appointments and 2.665 (32,17%) missing appointments. Data collection was standardized by an electronic questionnaire. Factors associated with non-attendance of users was calculated at the rate of faults and thematic maps based on distributions to the geographical pattern of occurrence. To evaluate the association between the outcome variable (faults to treatment) and the independent variables (sex, age, unit break, change of professional, income and place of residence of the user) was used the multiple logistic regression analysis with p ≤ 0.05. Results: There were high faults rates for both cities headquarters and not CEO-R headquarters. The variable change of professional showed statistical significance with the number of faults. Conclusion: The highest number of faults was associated with the change of professional.
AbsenteeismEpidemiologyOrthodonticsOral HealthDental Health Services
Factors associated with absences in orthodontic treatment at dental specialties center
Resumo (abstract):
The aim of this study was to identify factors associated with the non-attendance of users to orthodontic treatment in three Regional Centers of Dental Specialties (CEO-R) located in the state of Ceará. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional epidemiological study with secondary data source of 3 CEO-R. 237 medical records of complete orthodontic treatments were examined with 8.283 appointments and 2.665 (32,17%) missing appointments. Data collection was standardized by an electronic questionnaire. Factors associated with non-attendance of users was calculated at the rate of faults and thematic maps based on distributions to the geographical pattern of occurrence. To evaluate the association between the outcome variable (faults to treatment) and the independent variables (sex, age, unit break, change of professional, income and place of residence of the user) was used the multiple logistic regression analysis with p ≤ 0.05. Results: There were high faults rates for both cities headquarters and not CEO-R headquarters. The variable change of professional showed statistical significance with the number of faults. Conclusion: The highest number of faults was associated with the change of professional.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
AbsenteeismEpidemiologyOrthodonticsOral HealthDental Health Services
FONSECA, EMILIO PRADO, Junior, José Pascoal da Silva, Vedovello, S.A.S, Souza, Luciane Zanin, Pereira, A.C., Meneghim, M.C.. Fatores associados às faltas em tratamentos ortodônticos em centro de especialidades odontológicas. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/jan). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/fatores-associados-as-faltas-em-tratamentos-ortodonticos-em-centro-de-especialidades-odontologicas/15456?id=15456