0183/2019 - Hospitais gerais: Inserção nas redes de atenção a saúde e fatores condicionantes de sua atuação. General hospitals: Insertion in the health care networks and factors that determine their performance.
Este estudo objetivou analisar a inserção dos hospitais gerais nas Redes de Atenção à Saúde e os fatores condicionantes de seu modo de participação nas mesmas. Realizou-se um “scoping review”, com a seleção de 14 artigos publicados de janeiro de 2011 a junho de 2018. Com o mapeamento dos resultados constituiu-se as categorias de análise: Hospital, regionalização e economia de escala, Fragilidade de organização da rede e hospitais como primeira escolha, e Hospital e evidências de (des)integração da Redes de Atenção à Saúde. Os dados mostraram fatores que condicionam a maneira como os Hospitais atuam nas RAS, tendo destaque a inadequada distribuição destes serviços e de seus níveis de escala nos territórios; um número considerável de Hospitais de Pequeno Porte; as fragilidades da organização dos serviços em rede, com pouca articulação entre os pontos de atenção; e a hegemonia do modelo biomédico. Concluiu-se que a melhor inserção dos hospitais gerais nas redes dependerá do enfrentamento de desafios relacionados ao planejamento e implementação de ações nos diversos componentes da rede, disponibilização regional de serviços de saúde, aprimoramento dos mecanismos regulatórios e de comunicação entre os serviços, com o uso de planos de regionalização e pactuações como ferramentas de gestão.
Hospitais, Regionalização, Assistência Integral à Saúde, Saúde Pública
The objective of this study was to analyze the ion of general hospitals in Health Care Networks and the factors that determine their way of participation in these networks. A \"scoping review\" was carried out with the ion of fourteen published articlesJanuary 2011 to June 2018. From the mapping results the categories of analysis were constituted: Hospital, regional health planning and economy of scale, Fragility of network organization and hospital as first choice, and Hospital and evidence of (dis)integration of the Health Care Networks. The data showed conditioning factors of the Hospitals\' performance in the networks, highlighting the inadequate distribution of these services and their scale levels in the territories; a considerable number of small hospitals; the weaknesses of the organization of networked services, with little articulation between the points of attention; and the hegemony of the biomedical model. It has been concluded that the best inclusion of general hospitals in Health Care Networks will depend on the confrontation of challenges related to the planning and implementation of actions in the various components of Health Care Networks, regional availability of health services, improvement of regulatory mechanisms and of communication between the services, using regionalization plans and agreements as management tools.
Hospitals, Regional Health Planning, Comprehensive Health Care, Public Health
General hospitals: Insertion in the health care networks and factors that determine their performance.
Resumo (abstract):
The objective of this study was to analyze the ion of general hospitals in Health Care Networks and the factors that determine their way of participation in these networks. A \"scoping review\" was carried out with the ion of fourteen published articlesJanuary 2011 to June 2018. From the mapping results the categories of analysis were constituted: Hospital, regional health planning and economy of scale, Fragility of network organization and hospital as first choice, and Hospital and evidence of (dis)integration of the Health Care Networks. The data showed conditioning factors of the Hospitals\' performance in the networks, highlighting the inadequate distribution of these services and their scale levels in the territories; a considerable number of small hospitals; the weaknesses of the organization of networked services, with little articulation between the points of attention; and the hegemony of the biomedical model. It has been concluded that the best inclusion of general hospitals in Health Care Networks will depend on the confrontation of challenges related to the planning and implementation of actions in the various components of Health Care Networks, regional availability of health services, improvement of regulatory mechanisms and of communication between the services, using regionalization plans and agreements as management tools.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Hospitals, Regional Health Planning, Comprehensive Health Care, Public Health
Borsato, F.G, Carvalho, B.G. Hospitais gerais: Inserção nas redes de atenção a saúde e fatores condicionantes de sua atuação.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/jun). [Citado em 22/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/hospitais-gerais-insercao-nas-redes-de-atencao-a-saude-e-fatores-condicionantes-de-sua-atuacao/17257?id=17257&id=17257