0191/2024 - I FÓRUM DE SAÚDE INDÍGENA: CONSTRUÇÃO E CAPILARIZAÇÃO DA AGENDA DA SAÚDE INDÍGENA NOS ANOS DE 1990 I Indigenous Health Forum: construction and dissemination of the Indigenous Health agenda in the 1990s
A trajetória das políticas de saúde direcionadas aos povos indígenas se deu ao longo de décadas de disputas e tensões que envolveram lideranças indígenas, indigenistas e instituições não-governamentais e governamentais, como a Funai e o Ministério da Saúde. As conferências nacionais de saúde indígena tem sido espaços para a expressão de ideias e consolidação de propostas. Em 1993, meses antes da 2ª Conferência Nacional de Saúde para os Povos Indígenas (CNSPI), ocorreu o chamado I Fórum de Saúde Indígena. Com uma abordagem metodológica de caráter histórico, este trabalho buscou compreender o papel desse Fórum na construção das políticas de saúde indígena na década de 1990. Analisou-se um conjunto inédito de documentos depositados pelo sanitarista István Varga na biblioteca da USP em forma de Dossiê. A análise nos levou a entender que há um arco histórico iniciado na 1ª Conferência Nacional de Proteção à Saúde do Índio (1986), mas com forte ancoragem no I Fórum, que desemboca na 2ª CNSPI, cujas estruturas argumentativas de suas propostas foram sendo sustentadas pelo reforço que diversas pré-conferências deram às teses do I Fórum. Entre outros pontos, tais teses tratam da implementação dos Núcleos Interinstitucionais de Saúde Indígena, a posição hierárquica da Coordenação de Saúde do Índio no MS e de relações entre Funai e Funasa.
Saúde de Populações Indígenas; Controle Social; Participação Social; Conferências de Saúde
The 1988 Brazilian Federal Constitution established the basis for the implementation of health policies focused on indigenous peoples within the scope of the Unified Health System (SUS). The construction of such policies took place over decades, and involved disputes and tensions between indigenous leaders, indigenists and public institutions, such as Funai and the Ministry of Health. The Indigenous Health Conferences (IHC) have been the political spaces for the expression and consolidation of ideas and proposals, but in 1993, a few months before the 2nd IHC, occurred an event called the “1st Indigenous Health Forum”. With a historical approach, this paper sought to understand the organization and impacts of this Forum in the construction of indigenous health policy in Brazil during the 1990s. Among other materials, we analyzed an unpublished set of documents organized as a Dossier by Dr. István Varga and deposited in the University of São Paulo´s library. We discuss that between the 1st and the 2nd IHC, there is a strong connection with the 1st Indigenous Health Forum. The argumentative structures and proposals formulated in the 1st Indigenous Health Forum were reinforced during the subsequent events that culminated in the 2nd IHC.
Health of Indigenous Populations; Social Control; Social Participation; Health Conferences
I Indigenous Health Forum: construction and dissemination of the Indigenous Health agenda in the 1990s
Resumo (abstract):
The 1988 Brazilian Federal Constitution established the basis for the implementation of health policies focused on indigenous peoples within the scope of the Unified Health System (SUS). The construction of such policies took place over decades, and involved disputes and tensions between indigenous leaders, indigenists and public institutions, such as Funai and the Ministry of Health. The Indigenous Health Conferences (IHC) have been the political spaces for the expression and consolidation of ideas and proposals, but in 1993, a few months before the 2nd IHC, occurred an event called the “1st Indigenous Health Forum”. With a historical approach, this paper sought to understand the organization and impacts of this Forum in the construction of indigenous health policy in Brazil during the 1990s. Among other materials, we analyzed an unpublished set of documents organized as a Dossier by Dr. István Varga and deposited in the University of São Paulo´s library. We discuss that between the 1st and the 2nd IHC, there is a strong connection with the 1st Indigenous Health Forum. The argumentative structures and proposals formulated in the 1st Indigenous Health Forum were reinforced during the subsequent events that culminated in the 2nd IHC.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Health of Indigenous Populations; Social Control; Social Participation; Health Conferences
Abrunhosa, M. A., Machado, F. R. S., Pontes, Ana Lucia de Moura, Santos, R. V.. I FÓRUM DE SAÚDE INDÍGENA: CONSTRUÇÃO E CAPILARIZAÇÃO DA AGENDA DA SAÚDE INDÍGENA NOS ANOS DE 1990. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2024/mai). [Citado em 22/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/i-forum-de-saude-indigena-construcao-e-capilarizacao-da-agenda-da-saude-indigena-nos-anos-de-1990/19239?id=19239