Este ensaio consiste numa reflexão sobre encarceramento de pessoas idosas nos Estados Unidos (USA) e no Brasil. O objetivo principal é observar em que medida a situação se coaduna e difere nos dois países, sendo que nos USA a bibliografia sobre o tema é muito mais afluente e consolidada. Entre os estudiosos existem várias discrepâncias entre os dados e entre a visão dos autores. Porém todos convergem quanto: (1) ao aumento do número de pessoas idosa na prisão; (2) à inadequação das prisões para abrigá-los; (3) à aceleração do envelhecimento pela falta de cuidados com a saúde; (4) às vivências de comorbidades físicas, osteomusculares e mentais; e (5) aos elevados custos para tratá-los adequadamente. A maioria dos idosos presos são homens, pobres, negros e pardos e pessoas com determinados tipos de fragilidade social. Um fator positivo apontado tanto por pesquisadores brasileiros como norte-americanos é o cultivo da espiritualidade, o que ajuda as pessoas idosas presas manterem um certo sentimento de bem-estar. Mas os idosos nas prisões exigem muitos outros cuidados e há poucas as iniciativas que levam em conta as necessidades específicas desse seguimento social. Chegou a hora do Brasil enfrentar esta questão, seja por responsabilidade social seja por solidariedade humana.
This essay consists of a reflection on the incarceration of elderly people in the United States (USA) and Brazil. The main objective is to observe to what extent the situation is consistent and different in the two countries, with the bibliography on the subject being much more affluent and consolidated in the USA. Among scholars there are several discrepancies between the data and the authors\' views. However, they all agree regarding: (1) the increase in the number of elderly people in prison; (2) the inadequacy of prisons to house them; (3) the acceleration of aging due to lack of health care; (4) experiences of physical, musculoskeletal, and mental comorbidities; and (5) the high costs of treating them adequately. Most elderly prisoners are men, poor, black, and brown and people with certain types of social fragility. A positive factor highlighted by both Brazilian and North American researchers is the cultivation of spirituality, which helps elderly people in prison maintain a certain feeling of well-being. But elderly people in prisons require a lot of other care and there are few initiatives that consider the specific needs of this social group. The time has come for Brazil to face this issue, whether out of social responsibility or human solidarity.
elderly person; person deprived of liberty; Physical health; mental health; prison.
Resumo (abstract):
This essay consists of a reflection on the incarceration of elderly people in the United States (USA) and Brazil. The main objective is to observe to what extent the situation is consistent and different in the two countries, with the bibliography on the subject being much more affluent and consolidated in the USA. Among scholars there are several discrepancies between the data and the authors\' views. However, they all agree regarding: (1) the increase in the number of elderly people in prison; (2) the inadequacy of prisons to house them; (3) the acceleration of aging due to lack of health care; (4) experiences of physical, musculoskeletal, and mental comorbidities; and (5) the high costs of treating them adequately. Most elderly prisoners are men, poor, black, and brown and people with certain types of social fragility. A positive factor highlighted by both Brazilian and North American researchers is the cultivation of spirituality, which helps elderly people in prison maintain a certain feeling of well-being. But elderly people in prisons require a lot of other care and there are few initiatives that consider the specific needs of this social group. The time has come for Brazil to face this issue, whether out of social responsibility or human solidarity.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
elderly person; person deprived of liberty; Physical health; mental health; prison.
Minayo, M.C.S, Constantino, P.. IDOSOS PRIVADOS DE LIBERDADE: “A DOR DELES DOI MAIS”. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2023/out). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
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