0285/2016 - Impacto da capacitação em Suporte Avançado a Vida(SAVC) na carreira profissional e no ambiente de trabalho Impact of Training in Advanced Cardiac Life Support(ACLS) in the professional career and work environment.
• Lucas Gaspar Ribeiro - Ribeiro, Lucas Gaspar - Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo - Universidade de Sao Paulo Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto - <lucasgasparribeiro@gmail.com>
• Lunia SL Azevedo - Azevedo, Lunia SL - Ribeirao Preto Medical School - University of Sao Paulo - <luniaazevedo@yahoo.com.br>
• André Schmidt - Schmidt, André - Ribeirao Preto Medical School - University of Sao Paulo - <aschmidt@usp.br>
RAZÃO: existem poucas evidências sobre SAVC fora do hospital.
OBJETIVOS: Determinar o impacto do SAVC fora do hospital
Metodologia: Médicos treinados de 1999-2009 em um centro de treinamento receberam um questionário autoaplicável sobre sua carreira, ocupação e evolução social após o curso de SAVC. Variáveis foram comparadas pelo tese de Qui-quadrado, teste de t Student ou análise de variáveis(ANOVA). Regressão logística foi aplicada em análise multivariada.
RESULTADOS: Dos 4146 estudantes treinados, 389 responderam, separados em grupo I(<3 anos), grupo II(3-5 anos) e grupo III(>5 anos). Um tempo longo de formação foi associado a pessoas mais velhas, sexo masculino, com residência médica e trabalhando em consultórios, com maiores ganhos e associado a uma menor chance de atender uma parada cardíaca. Grupo III tiveram as maiores taxas de aquisição intra-hospitalar do desfibrilador externo automático(DEA) e equipamentos para parada cardíaca, mas apenas o grupo I foi associado a um treinamento da equipe. Nenhuma variável de estudo foi significava para implementação de um DEA na comunidade.
CONCLUSÕES: Cursos SAVC modificam o ambiente de trabalho positivamente, mas não na comunidade.
parada cardíacaSuporte cardíaco avançado responsabilidade social
We sought to evaluate the impact of Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) training in the professional career and work environment of physicians who took the course in a single center certified by the American Heart Association (AHA). Of the 4631 students(since 1999 to 2009), 2776 were located, 657 letters were returned, with 388 excluded from the analysis for being returned lacking addressees. The final study population was composed of 269 participants allocated in 3 groups(<3 years, 3-5 and >5years). Longer training was associated with older age, male gender, having undergone residency training, private office, greater earnings and longer time since graduation and a lower chance to participate in providing care for a cardiac arrest. Regarding personal change, no modification was detected according to time since taking the course. The only change in the work environment was the purchase of an automated external defibrillator (AED) by those who had taken the course more than 5 years ago. In multivariable analysis, however, the implementation of an AED was not independently associated with this group, which showed a lower chance to take a new ACLS course. ACLS courses should emphasize also how physicians could reinforce the survival chain through environmental changes.
cardiac arrestadvanced cardiac life supportsocial responsibility
Impact of Training in Advanced Cardiac Life Support(ACLS) in the professional career and work environment.
Resumo (abstract):
We sought to evaluate the impact of Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) training in the professional career and work environment of physicians who took the course in a single center certified by the American Heart Association (AHA). Of the 4631 students(since 1999 to 2009), 2776 were located, 657 letters were returned, with 388 excluded from the analysis for being returned lacking addressees. The final study population was composed of 269 participants allocated in 3 groups(<3 years, 3-5 and >5years). Longer training was associated with older age, male gender, having undergone residency training, private office, greater earnings and longer time since graduation and a lower chance to participate in providing care for a cardiac arrest. Regarding personal change, no modification was detected according to time since taking the course. The only change in the work environment was the purchase of an automated external defibrillator (AED) by those who had taken the course more than 5 years ago. In multivariable analysis, however, the implementation of an AED was not independently associated with this group, which showed a lower chance to take a new ACLS course. ACLS courses should emphasize also how physicians could reinforce the survival chain through environmental changes.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
cardiac arrestadvanced cardiac life supportsocial responsibility
Ribeiro, Lucas Gaspar, Azevedo, Lunia SL, Schmidt, André, Pazin-Filho, A.. Impacto da capacitação em Suporte Avançado a Vida(SAVC) na carreira profissional e no ambiente de trabalho. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/jun). [Citado em 22/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/impacto-da-capacitacao-em-suporte-avancado-a-vidasavc-na-carreira-profissional-e-no-ambiente-de-trabalho/15710?id=15710