0342/2018 - Integrality of care for hemodialysis patient in Brazil: An analysis of access to dental care. Integralidade do cuidado para pacientes brasileiros em hemodiálise: Análise do acesso odontológico.
Este estudo objetivou analisar os fatores associados ao uso de serviços odontológicos por pacientes em hemodiálise. Foi realizado um estudo transversal com 467 pacientes em hemodiálise, na faixa etária de 19 a 90 anos, de Contagem e Belo Horizonte, região Sudeste do Brasil. Os dados foram coletados por meio de exame clínico bucal dos participantes e da aplicação de um questionário estruturado. A variável dependente foi o acesso odontológico, mensurado pela pergunta “Você foi ao dentista nos últimos seis meses?”. A média de idade dos participantes foi de 49,9 anos (+13,7). A média de dentes presentes na boca foi de 19,3 (+8,7). Uma média de 1,5 dentes (+2,2) com lesão de cárie cavitada foi diagnosticada entre os pacientes em hemodiálise. Um terço da amostra afirmou ter ido ao dentista nos últimos seis meses (27,8%). O acesso odontológico dos pacientes em hemodiálise foi associado à escolaridade (OR=1,5 [1,1-2,4]), orientação profissional para ir ao dentista (OR=2,1 [1,2-3,8]) e prevalência de cárie dentária (OR=2,1 [1,3-3,2]). Os pacientes em hemodiálise com oito anos ou mais de escolaridade, que receberam orientação profissional para ir ao dentista e sem cárie dentária apresentaram maior chance de terem acesso odontológico.
The present study aimed to analyze factors associated with access of dental care services by Brazilian hemodialysis patients. A cross-sectional study was carried out with 467 hemodialysis patients aging19 to 90 years in two renal therapy centers located in the cities of Contagem and Belo Horizonte, Southeastern Brazil. Data were collected through an oral clinical examination of the patients and the application of a structured questionnaire. The dependent variable was the access to dental care, measured by the question “Have you consulted with a dentist in last six months?”. The mean age of participants was 49.9 years (±13.7). The average number of teeth present in the mouth was 19.3 (±8.7). An average of 1.5 teeth (±2.2) with dental caries cavities lesion was diagnosed among hemodialysis patients. One-third of the sample had gone to the dentist in the last six months (27.8%). The access to dental care was associated with formal education (OR=1.5 [1.1-2.4]), professional advising to consult with a dentist (OR=2.1 [1.2-3.8]) and prevalence of dental caries (OR=2.1 [1.3-3.2]). Hemodialysis patients with eight or more years of formal education, who received professional advising to consult with a dentist and without dental caries cavities had higher chances obtaining access to dental care.
Integralidade do cuidado para pacientes brasileiros em hemodiálise: Análise do acesso odontológico.
Resumo (abstract):
The present study aimed to analyze factors associated with access of dental care services by Brazilian hemodialysis patients. A cross-sectional study was carried out with 467 hemodialysis patients aging19 to 90 years in two renal therapy centers located in the cities of Contagem and Belo Horizonte, Southeastern Brazil. Data were collected through an oral clinical examination of the patients and the application of a structured questionnaire. The dependent variable was the access to dental care, measured by the question “Have you consulted with a dentist in last six months?”. The mean age of participants was 49.9 years (±13.7). The average number of teeth present in the mouth was 19.3 (±8.7). An average of 1.5 teeth (±2.2) with dental caries cavities lesion was diagnosed among hemodialysis patients. One-third of the sample had gone to the dentist in the last six months (27.8%). The access to dental care was associated with formal education (OR=1.5 [1.1-2.4]), professional advising to consult with a dentist (OR=2.1 [1.2-3.8]) and prevalence of dental caries (OR=2.1 [1.3-3.2]). Hemodialysis patients with eight or more years of formal education, who received professional advising to consult with a dentist and without dental caries cavities had higher chances obtaining access to dental care.
Ruas, B.M, Castilho, L.S, Carneiro, NCR, Cardoso, N.M.M, Reis, A.B, Silva, M.E.S, Borges-Oliveira, A.C. Integrality of care for hemodialysis patient in Brazil: An analysis of access to dental care.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/jul). [Citado em 22/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/integrality-of-care-for-hemodialysis-patient-in-brazil-an-analysis-of-access-to-dental-care/16875?id=16875&id=16875