0039/2021 - MANAGEMENT OF THE HEALTH WORKFORCE IN FACING COVID-19: DISINFORMATION AND ABSENCES IN BRAZIL\'S PUBLIC POLICIES. Gestão da força de trabalho em saúde e COVID-19: Desinformação e ausência de políticas públicas no Brasil
Objetivou-se evidenciar as estratégias implementadas no Brasil quanto à força de trabalho em saúde no contexto da pandemia da Covid-19 e analisar as intervenções do governo federal na gestão da crise e suas consequências aos profissionais de saúde. Trata-se de pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa do tipo documental. Foram identificadas normativas federais brasileiras alusivas ao trabalho e educação na saúde produzida durante a emergência pandêmica da COVID-19, publicadas no período de 28 de janeiro a 02 de junho de 2020. Do total de 845 documentos encontrados, 62 foram selecionados segundo os critérios de inclusão, os quais foram submetidos à Análise de Conteúdo Temática. Os resultados e discussões foram agrupados em quatro categorias: Gestão da força de trabalho, Proteção da força de trabalho, Capacitação da força de trabalho e Relação academia-força de trabalho. Observou-se a ausência de uma política federal coordenadora de ações orientadas à governança da força de trabalho em saúde para o enfrentamento da pandemia no Brasil. Considera-se que esta lacuna colaborou decisivamente para a trágica situação epidemiológica ainda em curso, sobretudo em termos da exposição de trabalhadores de saúde ao risco de contaminação, revelada nos altíssimos índices de profissionais infectados ou mortos por Covid-19 no Brasil.
força de trabalho, profissionais da saúde, COVID-19, pandemias, políticas públicas.
How well a country manages the Covid-19 crisis depends largely on how effectively the health workforce is used. The objective of this research was to analyse federal government interventions in crisis management and the consequences for health professionals. This is a documentary-type qualitative research. Brazilian federal regulations referring to work and health education produced during the pandemic emergency of COVID-19, published from January 28 to June 2, 2020, were identified. Of the total of 845 documents, 62 were selected in accordance with the inclusion criteria and were then submitted to Thematic Content Analysis. The results and discussions were grouped into four categories: Workforce management, Workforce protection, Workforce training and Academic-Workforce relationship. Absence of a federal coordinating actions and policies for desinformation were identified. It is considered that this lacking mechanisms for coordination contributed decisively to the tragic epidemiological situation still underway, especially in terms of the exposure of health workers to the risk of contamination, revealed in the extremely high rates of professionals infected or killed by Covid-19 in Brazil and the failure to control the pandemic in the population.
workforce, health personnel, COVID-19, pandemics, public policy
Gestão da força de trabalho em saúde e COVID-19: Desinformação e ausência de políticas públicas no Brasil
Resumo (abstract):
How well a country manages the Covid-19 crisis depends largely on how effectively the health workforce is used. The objective of this research was to analyse federal government interventions in crisis management and the consequences for health professionals. This is a documentary-type qualitative research. Brazilian federal regulations referring to work and health education produced during the pandemic emergency of COVID-19, published from January 28 to June 2, 2020, were identified. Of the total of 845 documents, 62 were selected in accordance with the inclusion criteria and were then submitted to Thematic Content Analysis. The results and discussions were grouped into four categories: Workforce management, Workforce protection, Workforce training and Academic-Workforce relationship. Absence of a federal coordinating actions and policies for desinformation were identified. It is considered that this lacking mechanisms for coordination contributed decisively to the tragic epidemiological situation still underway, especially in terms of the exposure of health workers to the risk of contamination, revealed in the extremely high rates of professionals infected or killed by Covid-19 in Brazil and the failure to control the pandemic in the population.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
workforce, health personnel, COVID-19, pandemics, public policy
Leite, S. N., Finkler, M., Martini, J. G., Heidemann, I, Verdi, M., Hellmann, F., Vásquez, M. F.. MANAGEMENT OF THE HEALTH WORKFORCE IN FACING COVID-19: DISINFORMATION AND ABSENCES IN BRAZIL\'S PUBLIC POLICIES.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2021/fev). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/management-of-the-health-workforce-in-facing-covid19-disinformation-and-absences-in-brazils-public-policies/17938?id=17938