0332/2020 - Máscaras de tecido em locais públicos: intervenção essencial na prevenção da COVID-19 no Brasil Cloth masks in public places: essential intervention as prevention of COVID-19 in Brazil
Acumulam-se evidências de que o uso de máscaras é uma medida indispensável de proteção à COVID-19, devido ao alto poder de transmissão do novo coronavírus por via respiratória, inclusive por indivíduos assintomáticos. Por sua vez, o uso das máscaras de tecido em locais públicos tem se consolidado como medida adicional de proteção às medidas de distanciamento social e higienização das mãos. Esta revisão narrativa tem como objetivo sistematizar as evidências científicas que justificam o amplo uso de máscaras de tecido como prevenção à COVID-19 e descrever a evolução dos posicionamentos contrários ou favoráveis ao seu uso em ambientes extradomiciliares, diante do avanço da pandemia do novo coronavírus pelo mundo. A triagem de artigos e documentos oficiais do Brasil e de outros países indica que o uso de máscaras em locais públicos tornou-se uma intervenção essencial graças ao potencial de reduzir a velocidade de propagação do novo coronavírus. Recomenda-se que o poder público adote estratégias para aumentar a oferta deste produto e fomente estudos para avaliação do impacto da medida no controle da pandemia no Brasil. Por fim, é imperativo assegurar disponibilidade de máscaras a grupos socioeconomicamente desfavorecidos e garantir que determinados grupos raciais/étnicos não sejam estigmatizados diante do uso de máscaras em ambientes extradomiciliares.
máscaras de tecido, máscaras caseiras, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, novo coronavírus.
The use of masks in public has been widely debated as an additional protective measure against the new coronavirus given its high person-to-person transmissibility via the upper respiratory airways, including by asymptomatic individuals. In turn, the use of fabric masks in public places has been established as an additional measure of protection for social distancing and hand hygiene measures. This manuscript reviews the scientific evidence for the efficacy of use of masks to control the pandemic and documents how the scientific community has changed its perceptions regarding the use of masks by the general public over time. The scientific articles, technical notes, governmental decrees and other documents analyzed indicate that widespread mask usage has the potential to reduce the spread of the new coronavirus. We recommend that the Brazilian government adopt strategies to increase the supply of reusable cloth masks to the public, especially to vulnerable populations and to support studies on the impact of cloth mask usage on virus transmission. Finally, we discuss how the government can avoid minorities being stigmatized by the adoption of this control measure, which has recently become mandatory in Brazil.
Cloth masks in public places: essential intervention as prevention of COVID-19 in Brazil
Resumo (abstract):
The use of masks in public has been widely debated as an additional protective measure against the new coronavirus given its high person-to-person transmissibility via the upper respiratory airways, including by asymptomatic individuals. In turn, the use of fabric masks in public places has been established as an additional measure of protection for social distancing and hand hygiene measures. This manuscript reviews the scientific evidence for the efficacy of use of masks to control the pandemic and documents how the scientific community has changed its perceptions regarding the use of masks by the general public over time. The scientific articles, technical notes, governmental decrees and other documents analyzed indicate that widespread mask usage has the potential to reduce the spread of the new coronavirus. We recommend that the Brazilian government adopt strategies to increase the supply of reusable cloth masks to the public, especially to vulnerable populations and to support studies on the impact of cloth mask usage on virus transmission. Finally, we discuss how the government can avoid minorities being stigmatized by the adoption of this control measure, which has recently become mandatory in Brazil.
Ortelan, N., Ferreira, A.J.F, Leite, L, Pescarini, J.M., Souto, A.C, Barreto, M.L, Aquino, E.M.L. Máscaras de tecido em locais públicos: intervenção essencial na prevenção da COVID-19 no Brasil. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/Nov). [Citado em 05/11/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/mascaras-de-tecido-em-locais-publicos-intervencao-essencial-na-prevencao-da-covid19-no-brasil/17814?id=17814