0028/2019 - Medicalização do parto: Os sentidos atribuídos pela literatura de assistência ao parto no Brasil. Medicalization of childbirth: The meanings attributed by the literature on childbirth care in Brazil.
Este estudo analisa os sentidos atribuídos ao conceito de medicalização do parto a partir de uma revisão narrativa de literatura em periódicos nacionais publicados entre 2000 e 2017. Parte-se da concepção mais geral sobre medicalização – entendida como o processo pelo qual a medicina amplia e consolida a sua área de atuação nos diversos campos da sociedade – e das diferentes formulações do conceito concebidas por estudiosos do século XX. Foram construídas cinco categorias que relacionaram medicalização do parto com: a) intervenções, b) disputa profissional, c) violação de direitos das gestantes, d) cenário do parto e e) reflexo da medicalização da sociedade. Nas quatro primeiras categorias encontramos um predomínio de sentidos que exploram uma interface entre medicalização e humanização, constituindo-se como duas supercategorias analíticas, com um predomínio de uma crítica ao modelo medicalizado. Fugindo a este modelo de análise, a categoria medicalização do parto como reflexo da medicalização da sociedade se concentra em torno de um sentido de medicalização do parto como parte de um processo mais amplo que envolve diferentes atores que seriam co-partícipes no processo de assistência, apontando para uma possibilidade de análise mais aprofundada em que considera a complexa conexão entre saúde e sociedade moderna.
Medicalização, Assistência ao parto, Saúde da mulher
This study analyzes the meanings attributed to the concept of medicalization of childbirtha narrative review of literature in national journals published between 2000 and 2017. It is based on the more general conception about medicalization - understood as the process by which medicine broadens and consolidates its area of activity in the various fields of society - and the different formulations of the concept conceived by twentieth-century scholars. Five categories were created that related the medicalization of childbirth with: a) interventions, b) professional dispute, c) violation of the rights of pregnant women, d) the birth scenario, e) reflection of the medicalization of the society. In the first four categories we find a predominance of meanings that explore an interface between medicalization and humanization, constituting as two analytical supercategories, with a predominance of a critique of the medicalized model. Fleeing this analysis model, the category medicalization of childbirth as a reflection of the medicalization of the society focuses around a sense of medicalization of childbirth as part of a broader process involving different actors who would be part of the care process, pointing to a possibility of further analysis in which it considers the complex connection between modern health and society.
Medicalization of childbirth: The meanings attributed by the literature on childbirth care in Brazil.
Resumo (abstract):
This study analyzes the meanings attributed to the concept of medicalization of childbirtha narrative review of literature in national journals published between 2000 and 2017. It is based on the more general conception about medicalization - understood as the process by which medicine broadens and consolidates its area of activity in the various fields of society - and the different formulations of the concept conceived by twentieth-century scholars. Five categories were created that related the medicalization of childbirth with: a) interventions, b) professional dispute, c) violation of the rights of pregnant women, d) the birth scenario, e) reflection of the medicalization of the society. In the first four categories we find a predominance of meanings that explore an interface between medicalization and humanization, constituting as two analytical supercategories, with a predominance of a critique of the medicalized model. Fleeing this analysis model, the category medicalization of childbirth as a reflection of the medicalization of the society focuses around a sense of medicalization of childbirth as part of a broader process involving different actors who would be part of the care process, pointing to a possibility of further analysis in which it considers the complex connection between modern health and society.
Nicida, LRA, Teixeira, LAS, Nakano, Andreza Rodrigues, Bonan, C.. Medicalização do parto: Os sentidos atribuídos pela literatura de assistência ao parto no Brasil.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/fev). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/medicalizacao-do-parto-os-sentidos-atribuidos-pela-literatura-de-assistencia-ao-parto-no-brasil/17102?id=17102&id=17102