0536/2018 - Modelagem espacial da hanseníase no estado da bahia (2001-2015) e determinantes sociais da saúde. Spatial modeling of leprosy in the state of Bahia (2001-2015) and social determinants of health.
O trabalho analisa a distribuição espacial da hanseníase na Bahia e os determinantes sociais relacionados. Estudo ecológico com dados de hanseníase do período 2001-2015. Três indicadores epidemiológicos foram selecionados: coeficiente de detecção na população geral e em menores de 15 anos e a taxa de casos novos com grau II de incapacidade. Os indicadores foram suavizados pelo Modelo Bayesiano Empírico Local e aplicou-se estatística de Moran Global e Local. As variáveis independentes foram selecionadas a partir do Censo IBGE-2010. Regressões multivariadas foram empregadas, seguidas de regressão espacial. Observou-se distribuição heterogênea no estado, com concentração no eixo norte-oeste e região sul. Para o coeficiente de detecção geral, cinco variáveis compuseram o modelo: densidade demográfica, proporção da população urbana, renda per capita, proporção de extremamente pobres e domicílios com mais de três pessoas por dormitório. A proporção de analfabetismo compôs o modelo final para a taxa de grau II de incapacidade física. Não foram identificados determinantes da ocorrência da doença em menores de 15 anos. A modelagem utilizada contribuiu para demonstrar a heterogeneidade espacial e os determinantes sociais da doença na Bahia, colocando em evidência a complexidade do problema.
hanseníase, determinantes sociais da saúde, análise espacial
The works analyzes the spatial distribution of leprosy in Bahia and social determinants associated. Ecological study, with leprosy data 2001-2015. Three epidemiological indicators were ed: coefficient of detection in the general population and in children under 15 years and the rate of new cases with grade II of physical disability. These indicators were flattened by the Local Empirical Bayesian Model and were applied Global and Local Moran statistics. The independent variables were edthe IBGE-2010 Census. Multivariate regressions were employed, followed by spatial regression. Leprosy exhibited a heterogeneous distribution in the state, with concentration on the north-west axis and the south region. For the general detection coefficient, five variables composed the final model: demographic density, proportion of urban population, per capita income, proportion of extremely poor and households with more than three people per dormitory. The illiteracy proportion made up the final model for the grade II rate of physical disability. No determinants of the occurrence of the disease were identified in children under 15 years. The modeling used contributed to demonstrate the spatial heterogeneity and social determinants of the disease in Bahia, putting in evidence the complexity of the problem.
leprosy, social determinants of health, spatial analysis
Spatial modeling of leprosy in the state of Bahia (2001-2015) and social determinants of health.
Resumo (abstract):
The works analyzes the spatial distribution of leprosy in Bahia and social determinants associated. Ecological study, with leprosy data 2001-2015. Three epidemiological indicators were ed: coefficient of detection in the general population and in children under 15 years and the rate of new cases with grade II of physical disability. These indicators were flattened by the Local Empirical Bayesian Model and were applied Global and Local Moran statistics. The independent variables were edthe IBGE-2010 Census. Multivariate regressions were employed, followed by spatial regression. Leprosy exhibited a heterogeneous distribution in the state, with concentration on the north-west axis and the south region. For the general detection coefficient, five variables composed the final model: demographic density, proportion of urban population, per capita income, proportion of extremely poor and households with more than three people per dormitory. The illiteracy proportion made up the final model for the grade II rate of physical disability. No determinants of the occurrence of the disease were identified in children under 15 years. The modeling used contributed to demonstrate the spatial heterogeneity and social determinants of the disease in Bahia, putting in evidence the complexity of the problem.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
leprosy, social determinants of health, spatial analysis
Souza, C.D.F, Medronho, R.A, Magalhães, M.A.F.M, Luna, C.F. Modelagem espacial da hanseníase no estado da bahia (2001-2015) e determinantes sociais da saúde.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/dez). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/modelagem-espacial-da-hanseniase-no-estado-da-bahia-20012015-e-determinantes-sociais-da-saude/17069?id=17069