Este estudio busca determinar las diferencias en la mortalidad juvenil en México según causas seleccionadas, por sexo y niveles de marginación municipal extremos en dos trienios (2004-2006 y 2015-2017) y establecer una relación entre las diferencias encontradas, el entorno social y la disponibilidad de recursos de salud. Utilizando datos oficiales, se calcularon los Años de esperanza de vida perdidos (AEVP) entre 0 y 85 años -y los AEVP por el grupo de edad de 15-29 años- para 15 de las principales causas de muerte en México en ambos trienios; los AEVP se calcularon por municipios agrupados en dos categorías: alta y muy alta marginación (AyMAM) y baja y muy baja (ByMBM). Las muertes violentas (especialmente los homicidios) son las principales causas de muerte en mujeres y hombres jóvenes en todo México, independientemente del nivel de marginación, y aumentaron entre los dos trienios estudiados; los hombres de 15 a 29 años en municipios con AyMAM tuvieron un exceso de AEVP en comparación con aquellos en municipios con ByMBM en trece de las 15 causas analizadas en 2004-2006 y en todas las causas en 2015-2017, mientras que para las mujeres la cifra fue de trece de 15 en cada trienio. Esto refleja las desventajas injustas a las que están expuestos los jóvenes en los municipios de AyMAM.
Mortalidad; marginación social; equidad en salud; adolescentes; México
This study seeks determining the differences in the behavior of youth mortality in Mexico according to selected causes, by sex and extreme levels of municipal marginalization in two triennia (2004-2006 and 2015-2017) and establish a relationship between the differences found, the social environment and the availability of health resources and services. Using official data, Years of Life Expectancy Lost (YLEL) between 0 and 85 years old -and the YLEL by the age group 15-29 years old- were calculated for 15 of the Mexico’s leading causes of death in both triennia; YLEL were calculated by municipalities grouped according to marginalization level in two categories: high and very high marginalization (HvHM) and low and very low (LvLM). Violent deaths (especially homicide) are the main causes of death in young women and men throughout Mexico - regardless of the level of marginalization - and increased substantially between both triennia studied; men aged 15 to 29 in municipalities with HvHM had an excess of YLEL compared to those in municipalities with LvLM in thirteen of the 15 causes analyzed in 2004-2006 and in all causes in 2015-2017, while for women the figure was thirteen of 15 in each triennium. That reflects the unfair disadvantages to which youth people in HvHM municipalities are exposed.
mortality; social marginalization; health equity; adolescent; Mexico
Resumo (abstract):
This study seeks determining the differences in the behavior of youth mortality in Mexico according to selected causes, by sex and extreme levels of municipal marginalization in two triennia (2004-2006 and 2015-2017) and establish a relationship between the differences found, the social environment and the availability of health resources and services. Using official data, Years of Life Expectancy Lost (YLEL) between 0 and 85 years old -and the YLEL by the age group 15-29 years old- were calculated for 15 of the Mexico’s leading causes of death in both triennia; YLEL were calculated by municipalities grouped according to marginalization level in two categories: high and very high marginalization (HvHM) and low and very low (LvLM). Violent deaths (especially homicide) are the main causes of death in young women and men throughout Mexico - regardless of the level of marginalization - and increased substantially between both triennia studied; men aged 15 to 29 in municipalities with HvHM had an excess of YLEL compared to those in municipalities with LvLM in thirteen of the 15 causes analyzed in 2004-2006 and in all causes in 2015-2017, while for women the figure was thirteen of 15 in each triennium. That reflects the unfair disadvantages to which youth people in HvHM municipalities are exposed.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
mortality; social marginalization; health equity; adolescent; Mexico
González-Pérez, G. J., Vega-Lopez, M. G.. MORTALIDAD JUVENIL, MARGINACIÓN SOCIAL E INEQUIDAD EN SALUD EN MÉXICO. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2021/abr). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/mortalidad-juvenil-marginacion-social-e-inequidad-en-salud-en-mexico/18029?id=18029