0184/2021 - O direito à saúde no território: o olhar dos usuários para Atenção Primária à Saúde Health right on the territory: the users\' eye for Primary Health Care
A Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) é considerada imprescindível para a efetividade dos sistemas de saúde. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade da assistência prestada na APS em um município de Pernambuco. Realizou-se um estudo exploratório através da escuta a 525 usuários utilizando questionários estruturados. A avaliação da qualidade considerou as dimensões: acessibilidade, assistência clínica, relação profissional-usuário, atividades comunitárias e estrutura. Os resultados apontam para um contexto de perpetuação das vulnerabilidades sociais e o desafio em alcançar um atendimento equitativo e universal. Os principais aspectos de insatisfação foram: dificuldade de acesso a consultas e exames especializados, tempo de espera para atendimento e possibilidade de apresentar reclamações. Por outro lado, os entrevistados apresentaram-se satisfeitos com o atendimento médico e de enfermagem, principalmente quanto ao respeito, privacidade, escuta e confidencialidade. Verificou-se que apesar dos profissionais de saúde se empenharem na prestação de um atendimento humanizado, foi evidente a fragmentação do cuidado na rede estudada, o que dificulta o seguimento adequado e oportuno ao paciente, refletindo negativamente na qualidade da assistência prestada.
Atenção Primária à Saúde; Pesquisa sobre Serviços de Saúde; Satisfação do Paciente.
Primary Health Care (APS) is considered essential for health systems effectiveness. This study’s aim was to evaluate the assistance quality provided in APS in a city in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. An exploratory study was conducted by listening to 525 users using structured questionnaires. The quality evaluation considered the following aspects: accessibility, clinical assistance, professional-user relationship, community activities, and structure. The results indicate a perpetuating context of social vulnerabilities and the challenge in achieving an equitable and universal service. The main discontentment aspects were: difficulty in accessing specialized appointments and exams, waiting time for service, and the possibility of submitting complaints. On the other hand, the interviewees were satisfied with medical and nursing care, especially regarding respect, privacy, listening, and confidentiality. It was verified that, although health professionals were committed to providing humanized care, it was evident the studied care network fragmentation, which makes it difficult to an appropriate and timely patient follow-up, reflecting negatively on the assistance provided quality.
Primary Health Care; Health Services Research; Patient Satisfaction
Health right on the territory: the users\' eye for Primary Health Care
Resumo (abstract):
Primary Health Care (APS) is considered essential for health systems effectiveness. This study’s aim was to evaluate the assistance quality provided in APS in a city in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. An exploratory study was conducted by listening to 525 users using structured questionnaires. The quality evaluation considered the following aspects: accessibility, clinical assistance, professional-user relationship, community activities, and structure. The results indicate a perpetuating context of social vulnerabilities and the challenge in achieving an equitable and universal service. The main discontentment aspects were: difficulty in accessing specialized appointments and exams, waiting time for service, and the possibility of submitting complaints. On the other hand, the interviewees were satisfied with medical and nursing care, especially regarding respect, privacy, listening, and confidentiality. It was verified that, although health professionals were committed to providing humanized care, it was evident the studied care network fragmentation, which makes it difficult to an appropriate and timely patient follow-up, reflecting negatively on the assistance provided quality.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Primary Health Care; Health Services Research; Patient Satisfaction
Melo, D. da S., da SILVA. A. A., Martelli, P. J. L., Lyra, T. M., Miranda, G. M. D., Mendes, A. C. G.. O direito à saúde no território: o olhar dos usuários para Atenção Primária à Saúde. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2021/mai). [Citado em 19/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/o-direito-a-saude-no-territorio-o-olhar-dos-usuarios-para-atencao-primaria-a-saude/18083?id=18083