0022/2024 - O racismo institucional na universidade e consequências na vida de estudantes negros: um estudo misto. Institutional racism at the university and consequences in the lives of black students: a mixed study.
O objetivo deste artigo foi analisar como o racismo institucional em uma universidade pública brasileira afeta a vida de estudantes negros e negras. Trata-se de estudo misto, desenvolvido por meio da aplicação de questionário auto-aplicado online a estudantes universitários que se autodeclararam negros. Os dados quantitativos foram analisados por estatística descritiva, análise bivariável por meio do qui-quadrado e regressão logística multinominal. A análise dos dados qualitativos foi feita no IRAMUTEQ®. Do total de 125 respondentes, 68 (54,4%) afirmaram ter sofrido racismo pelo menos uma vez dentro da universidade. Percebeu-se que as situações racistas vividas pelas pessoas negras dentro do ambiente universitário colocam em questão a autoconfiança e a motivação do estudante, afetando, diretamente, a sua saúde mental e seu desempenho no curso. Evidenciou-se a importância dos coletivos para acolhimento e fortalecimento do pertencimento dos estudantes.
Racismo; Ensino Superior; População Negra; Estudantes.
The aim of this article was to analyze how institutional racism in a Brazilian public university affects the lives of black students. This is a mixed study, developed through the application of an online self-administered questionnaire to university students who declared themselves to be black. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, bivariate analysis using chi-square and multinomial logistic regression. Qualitative data analysis was performed using IRAMUTEQ®. Of the total of 125 respondents, 68 (54.4%) claimed to have suffered racism at least once within the university. It was noticed that the racist situations experienced by black people within the university environment call into question the student\'s self-confidence and motivation, directly affecting their mental health and their performance in the course. The importance of collectives for welcoming and strengthening students\' belonging was highlighted.
Racism; University Education; Black Population; Students.
Institutional racism at the university and consequences in the lives of black students: a mixed study.
Resumo (abstract):
The aim of this article was to analyze how institutional racism in a Brazilian public university affects the lives of black students. This is a mixed study, developed through the application of an online self-administered questionnaire to university students who declared themselves to be black. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, bivariate analysis using chi-square and multinomial logistic regression. Qualitative data analysis was performed using IRAMUTEQ®. Of the total of 125 respondents, 68 (54.4%) claimed to have suffered racism at least once within the university. It was noticed that the racist situations experienced by black people within the university environment call into question the student\'s self-confidence and motivation, directly affecting their mental health and their performance in the course. The importance of collectives for welcoming and strengthening students\' belonging was highlighted.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Racism; University Education; Black Population; Students.
Guerra, N. E. M., Stofel, N. S., Borges, F. A., Luna, W. F., Salim, N. R., Sa, B. S. M., Monteiro, J.. O racismo institucional na universidade e consequências na vida de estudantes negros: um estudo misto.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2024/fev). [Citado em 12/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/o-racismo-institucional-na-universidade-e-consequencias-na-vida-de-estudantes-negros-um-estudo-misto/19070?id=19070