Este texto, sob a forma de ensaio, tem como objetivo fazer uma interlocução dos estudos da deficiência, em sua vertente pós moderna, com a Antropologia da Performance a partir de dois caminhos: 1) discutir a influência do corpo nos significados atribuídos à experiência de deficiência; 2) discutir como a performance, com destaque para o esporte, coloca o corpo à luz da sociabilidade, gerando uma tensão entre novas normas para o corpo e reprodução de modelos vigentes sobre a deficiência e a saúde. Conclui-se que a performance da pessoa com deficiência pode contribuir para uma revisão ou reinvenção do conceito de saúde, a partir da construção de novas identidades e projetos de empoderamento. Desatrela-se assim a deficiência da função/disfunção biológica e a aproxima da capacidade de ação do ser no mundo pela sociabilidade instaurada no esporte.
Deficiência, Esportes, Saúde.
This text, in the form of an essay, aims to make a dialogue between disability studies, in its postmodern aspect, with Anthropology of Performance in two ways: 1) to discuss the influence of body on the meanings attributed to the experience of disability; 2) discuss how performance, with emphasis on sport, places the body in the light of sociability, generating a tension between new norms for the body and reproduction of current models on disability and health. We conclude that the performance of disabled people can contribute to a revision or reinvention of the concept of health,the construction of new identities and projects of empowerment. It disentangles disabilitybiological function/dysfunction and brings it closer to the capacity of action in the world by the sociability established in sport.
Performance and disability: Ways to health reinvention.
Resumo (abstract):
This text, in the form of an essay, aims to make a dialogue between disability studies, in its postmodern aspect, with Anthropology of Performance in two ways: 1) to discuss the influence of body on the meanings attributed to the experience of disability; 2) discuss how performance, with emphasis on sport, places the body in the light of sociability, generating a tension between new norms for the body and reproduction of current models on disability and health. We conclude that the performance of disabled people can contribute to a revision or reinvention of the concept of health,the construction of new identities and projects of empowerment. It disentangles disabilitybiological function/dysfunction and brings it closer to the capacity of action in the world by the sociability established in sport.
Santos, T.V, Moreira, Martha Cristina Nunes, Gomes, R.. Performance e deficiência: Caminhos para reinvenção da saúde.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/nov). [Citado em 22/12/2024].
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