0072/2020 - Programa Mais Médicos: revisão Crítica da implementação sob a perspectiva do acesso e universalização da atenção à saúde More Doctors Program: Critical review of implementationthe perspective of access and universal health care
Trata-se de revisão narrativa crítica, que analisa a literatura nacional sobre a implementação do Programa Mais Médicos (PMM), no período de janeiro/2016 a maio/2019, distribuída segundo os três eixos programáticos que o compõem: 1. Melhoria da Infraestrutura das Redes de Atenção Básica à Saúde; 2. Ampliação de Vagas e Cursos de Medicina e Reformas na Educação Médica, e 3. Provisionamento Emergencial Médico. Consultada as fontes informacionais Scielo e Lilacs, mediante os marcadores Programa Mais Médicos, e sua versão em inglês e espanhol, encontraram-se 37 artigos, dos quais 31 foram selecionados, por se centrarem, especificamente, na implementação de um ou mais eixos. O eixo 1 apresentou menor número de publicações, enquanto a maior concentração de artigos se deu nos eixos 2 e 3, nos anos de 2016 e 2019, respectivamente, consoante à implementação temporal do PMM. A literatura analisada aponta êxitos e fragilidades na formulação e implementação do Programa, devendo ser considerados na elaboração e execução de projetos futuros, tendo por base a ampliação do acesso e a universalização do atendimento médico às populações vulneráveis.
Revisão, Políticas Públicas de Saúde, Programa Mais Médicos, Atenção Primária à Saúde
This critical narrative review analyzes the national literature on the implementation of the More Doctors Program (PMM),January 2016 to May 2019, distributed according to its three programmatic axes: 1. Improvement of Infrastructure the Primary Health Care Networks; 2. Expansion of Vacancies and Medical and Reform Courses in Medical Education, and 3. Emergency Medical Provisioning. After consulting the Scielo and Lilacs information sources through the MaisMédicos Program markers, and their English and Spanish versions, 37 articles were ed, 31 of which were ed because they focused specifically on the implementation of one or more axes. Axis 1 had the lowest number of publications, while the highest concentration of articles occurred in axes 2 and 3, in 2016 and 2019, respectively, depending on the timely implementation of the PMM. The analysis points to successes and weaknesses in the formulation and implementation of the Program. It should be considered in the elaboration and execution of future projects, based on the expansion of access and the universalization of medical care to vulnerable populations.
Review, Public Health Policy, More Doctors Program, Primary Health Care
More Doctors Program: Critical review of implementationthe perspective of access and universal health care
Resumo (abstract):
This critical narrative review analyzes the national literature on the implementation of the More Doctors Program (PMM),January 2016 to May 2019, distributed according to its three programmatic axes: 1. Improvement of Infrastructure the Primary Health Care Networks; 2. Expansion of Vacancies and Medical and Reform Courses in Medical Education, and 3. Emergency Medical Provisioning. After consulting the Scielo and Lilacs information sources through the MaisMédicos Program markers, and their English and Spanish versions, 37 articles were ed, 31 of which were ed because they focused specifically on the implementation of one or more axes. Axis 1 had the lowest number of publications, while the highest concentration of articles occurred in axes 2 and 3, in 2016 and 2019, respectively, depending on the timely implementation of the PMM. The analysis points to successes and weaknesses in the formulation and implementation of the Program. It should be considered in the elaboration and execution of future projects, based on the expansion of access and the universalization of medical care to vulnerable populations.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Review, Public Health Policy, More Doctors Program, Primary Health Care
Separavich, M.A, Couto, M. T.. Programa Mais Médicos: revisão Crítica da implementação sob a perspectiva do acesso e universalização da atenção à saúde. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/abr). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/programa-mais-medicos-revisao-critica-da-implementacao-sob-a-perspectiva-do-acesso-e-universalizacao-da-atencao-a-saude/17554?id=17554