0231/2016 - Qualidade de vida e condições de saúde bucal de hipertensos e diabéticos em um município do Sudeste Brasileiro Quality of life and oral health conditions among hypertensive and diabetica Brazilian Southeastern city
• Eduardo José Pereira Oliveira - Oliveira, Eduardo José Pereira - Campos Gerais, MG - Universidade Federal de Alfenas, Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciências Odontológicas (Mestrado) - <eduardo.oliveira@oi.com.br>
• Alessandro Aparecido Pereira - Pereira, AA - Universidade Federal de Alfenas, Departamento de Clínica e Cirurgia - <alessandro.aparecido@unifal-mg.edu.br>
• Vinício Felipe Brasil Rocha - Rocha, Vinício Felipe Brasil - Prefeitura Municipal de Varginha, Coordenação do Centro de Especialidades Odontológicas - <viniciorocha@yahoo.com.br>
• Denismar Alves Nogueira - Nogueira, D.A. - UNIFAL, Instituto de Ciências Exatas - <denismar@unifal-mg.edu.br>
Área Temática:
Saúde Bucal
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade de vida relacionada às condições clínicas de saúde bucal entre hipertensos e diabéticos de Alfenas, MG, Brasil. Estudo domiciliar, descritivo-analítico, transversal, com amostra randomizada, sistemática, estratificada por Equipe Saúde da Família, composta por 218 sujeitos. Aplicou-se os índices CPOD, T-Health, FS-T, SiC index, uso e necessidade de próteses e OHIP-14. A maioria dos sujeitos (56,42%) apresenta apenas Hipertensão Arterial, é do sexo feminino (67,43%), com idade média de 64,83 (±11,99), variando entre 35 e 93 anos. Não se observou diferenças significativas para as variáveis entre hipertensos, diabéticos e hipertenso-diabéticos. Registrou-se CPOD=27,16 (±6,15), com 22,94 (±10,46) dentes perdidos; T-Health=5,23 (±6,52); FS-T=8,53 (±10,12) e SiC=32 (±0,00). 85,78% dos sujeitos usam próteses (58,72% Prótese Total) e 61,01% necessitam de próteses (58,26% no arco inferior). As correlações entre OHIP-14 (5,37 [±4,95]) e condições clínicas evidenciaram a presença de dentes afetando dimensões psicológicas, além de uso e necessidade de próteses associadas a impactos físicos e sociais (p<0,05). Concluiu-se que edentulismo, uso e necessidade de próteses afetaram a qualidade de vida de hipertensos e diabéticos em aspectos psicológicos, físicos e sociais.
Saúde bucalEpidemiologiaQualidade de vida.
The study’s target was to assess quality of life related to oral health clinical conditions among hypertensive and diabetic from Alfenas, MG, Brazil. This was a household, descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional research with systematic random sample, stratified by Family Health Teams, totalizing 218 subjects. It was applied DMFT, T-Health, FS-T, SiC index, use and need of prosthetics and OHIP-14. Most participants (56.42%) has only Hypertension, is female (67.43%) and is 64.83 (±11.99) years old, ranging between 35 and 93 years. There were no significant differences for the variables among hypertensive, diabetic and hypertensive-diabetic. It was enrolled DMFT=27.16 (±6.15) - 22.94 [±10.46] missing teeth; T-Health=5.23 (±6.52); FS-T=8.53 (±10.12) and SiC=32 (±0.00). 85.78% of the subjects use prosthetics (58.72% Total Denture) and 61.01% need prosthetics (58.26% in the lower arch). The correlations between OHIP-14 (5.37 [±4.95]) and clinical conditions showed that the teeth presence affects psychological dimensions, and use and need of prosthetics were associated with physical and social impacts (p<0.05). It was concluded that edentulism, use and need of prostheses affected the quality of life of hypertensive and diabetics in psychological, physical and social aspects.
Quality of life and oral health conditions among hypertensive and diabetica Brazilian Southeastern city
Resumo (abstract):
The study’s target was to assess quality of life related to oral health clinical conditions among hypertensive and diabetic from Alfenas, MG, Brazil. This was a household, descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional research with systematic random sample, stratified by Family Health Teams, totalizing 218 subjects. It was applied DMFT, T-Health, FS-T, SiC index, use and need of prosthetics and OHIP-14. Most participants (56.42%) has only Hypertension, is female (67.43%) and is 64.83 (±11.99) years old, ranging between 35 and 93 years. There were no significant differences for the variables among hypertensive, diabetic and hypertensive-diabetic. It was enrolled DMFT=27.16 (±6.15) - 22.94 [±10.46] missing teeth; T-Health=5.23 (±6.52); FS-T=8.53 (±10.12) and SiC=32 (±0.00). 85.78% of the subjects use prosthetics (58.72% Total Denture) and 61.01% need prosthetics (58.26% in the lower arch). The correlations between OHIP-14 (5.37 [±4.95]) and clinical conditions showed that the teeth presence affects psychological dimensions, and use and need of prosthetics were associated with physical and social impacts (p<0.05). It was concluded that edentulism, use and need of prostheses affected the quality of life of hypertensive and diabetics in psychological, physical and social aspects.
Oliveira, Eduardo José Pereira, Pereira, AA, Rocha, Vinício Felipe Brasil, Nogueira, D.A.. Qualidade de vida e condições de saúde bucal de hipertensos e diabéticos em um município do Sudeste Brasileiro. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/mai). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/qualidade-de-vida-e-condicoes-de-saude-bucal-de-hipertensos-e-diabeticos-em-um-municipio-do-sudeste-brasileiro/15656?id=15656