0338/2022 - Saúde e saneamento: uma avaliação das políticas públicas de prevenção, controle e contingência das arboviroses urbanas no Brasil Health and sanitation: an evaluation of public policies for the prevention, control, and contingency of arboviroses in Brazil
As arboviroses, sobretudo as transmitidas pelo mosquito Aedes aegypti, têm-se constituído em grave problema de saúde pública no Brasil. Com o intuito de analisar como o saneamento básico é abordado em instrumentos norteadores das políticas públicas de controle das arboviroses no país, foi realizada uma análise de conteúdo em oito documentos governamentais de referência. Como resultados, foi possível identificar que aspectos relacionados à comunicação e mobilização social, controle vetorial e gestão são os temas mais abordados nos documentos analisados. Já as componentes do saneamento básico, destacando-se o manejo e a drenagem das águas pluviais e o esgotamento sanitário não são abordados nos instrumentos. A intersetorialidade é mencionada, no entanto, não existem proposições específicas que apontem e assegurem sua implementação. As Diretrizes Nacionais para a Prevenção e Controle de Epidemias de Dengue, do Ministério da Saúde, constitui-se no documento mais completo sobre o assunto. Conclui-se que o saneamento básico não está suficientemente abordado nos instrumentos de enfrentamento às arboviroses o que pode contribuir para a baixa efetividade de intervenção pública e que, portanto, tal contradição precisa ser superada pelas políticas públicas no Brasil.
Aedes aegypti; intersetorialidade; Promoção da saúde.
The arboviroses, especially those transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, have become a serious public health problem in Brazil. In order to analyze how sanitation is addressed in guiding instruments of public policies to control arboviroses in the country, a content analysis was performed on eight governmental reference documents. As a result, it was possible to identify that aspects related to communication and social mobilization, vector control, and management are the themes most addressed in the documents analyzed. On the other hand, the components of basic sanitation, especially rainwater management and drainage, and sanitary sewage, are not addressed in the instruments. Intersectoriality is mentioned, however, there are no specific proposals that point to and ensure its implementation. The Ministry of Health\'s National Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Dengue Epidemics is the most complete document on the subject. We conclude that basic sanitation is not sufficiently addressed in the instruments for confronting arboviroses, which can contribute to the low effectiveness of public intervention and that, therefore, this contradiction needs to be overcome by public policies in Brazil.
Aedes aegypti; intersectoriality; health promotion.
Health and sanitation: an evaluation of public policies for the prevention, control, and contingency of arboviroses in Brazil
Resumo (abstract):
The arboviroses, especially those transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, have become a serious public health problem in Brazil. In order to analyze how sanitation is addressed in guiding instruments of public policies to control arboviroses in the country, a content analysis was performed on eight governmental reference documents. As a result, it was possible to identify that aspects related to communication and social mobilization, vector control, and management are the themes most addressed in the documents analyzed. On the other hand, the components of basic sanitation, especially rainwater management and drainage, and sanitary sewage, are not addressed in the instruments. Intersectoriality is mentioned, however, there are no specific proposals that point to and ensure its implementation. The Ministry of Health\'s National Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Dengue Epidemics is the most complete document on the subject. We conclude that basic sanitation is not sufficiently addressed in the instruments for confronting arboviroses, which can contribute to the low effectiveness of public intervention and that, therefore, this contradiction needs to be overcome by public policies in Brazil.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Aedes aegypti; intersectoriality; health promotion.
Faria, M.T.S., Ribeiro, N.R.S., Dias, A. P., Gomes, U.A.F., Moura, P.M.. Saúde e saneamento: uma avaliação das políticas públicas de prevenção, controle e contingência das arboviroses urbanas no Brasil. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2022/nov). [Citado em 15/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/saude-e-saneamento-uma-avaliacao-das-politicas-publicas-de-prevencao-controle-e-contingencia-das-arboviroses-urbanas-no-brasil/18594?id=18594