Garantir a democracia na constituição do campo da Saúde Global requer a inclusão de perspectivas e ações sanitárias do que se convencionou chamar de “local”. Aproximando os referenciais do Encontro de Saberes ao de Colonialidade, abordamos a implementação de Quitandas Solidárias por iniciativa de pescadores artesanais, no Sul da Bahia, no enfrentamento de questões socioeconômicas e de saúde ligadas à pandemia de Covid-19. A triangulação de métodos caracterizou os trabalhos de campo, baseados na etnografia, pesquisa-ação e parceria com agentes locais na análise do material. A busca de efeitos simultaneamente sanitários, socioeconômicos, ambientais e educativos possibilitou relativa superação dos riscos presentes nas ações de SG como os de humanitarismo, controlismo, neoliberalismo e colonialismo. A iniciativa foi gerida pela organização política dos moradores da reserva, que captaram e manejaram recursos do Estado e da sociedade civil com autonomia e solidariedade, aliando os saberes tradicionais aos conhecimentos institucionais e tecnológicos do território. As experiências ditas locais contêm uma visão completa de mundo que não devem ser submetidas a uma categoria totalizante. A Saúde Global pode se beneficiar da consideração dos diversos mundos que constituem o seu objeto.
Ensuring democracy in the constitution of the Global Health field requires the inclusion of health perspectives and actions of what is conventionally called \"local\". Approaching the references of the Meeting of Knowledges to that of Coloniality, we address the implementation of Solidarity Quitandas by initiative of artisanal fishermen in the South of Bahia, in facing socioeconomic and health issues related to the Covid-19 pandemic. The triangulation of methods characterized the fieldwork, based on ethnography, action research and partnership with local agents in the analysis of the material. The search for simultaneously sanitary, socioeconomic, environmental and educational effects made it possible to overcome the risks present in GH actions such as humanitarianism, controlism, neoliberalism and colonialism. The initiative was managed by the political organization of the residents of the reserve, who raised and managed State and civil society resources with autonomy and solidarity, combining traditional knowledge with institutional and technological knowledge of the territory. So-called local experiences contain a complete vision of the world that should not be submitted to a totalizing category. Global Health can benefitconsideration of the various worlds that constitute its object.
global health; colonialism, knowledge; Covid-19; cooperativism
Solidarity as politics: Global Health and democracy
Resumo (abstract):
Ensuring democracy in the constitution of the Global Health field requires the inclusion of health perspectives and actions of what is conventionally called \"local\". Approaching the references of the Meeting of Knowledges to that of Coloniality, we address the implementation of Solidarity Quitandas by initiative of artisanal fishermen in the South of Bahia, in facing socioeconomic and health issues related to the Covid-19 pandemic. The triangulation of methods characterized the fieldwork, based on ethnography, action research and partnership with local agents in the analysis of the material. The search for simultaneously sanitary, socioeconomic, environmental and educational effects made it possible to overcome the risks present in GH actions such as humanitarianism, controlism, neoliberalism and colonialism. The initiative was managed by the political organization of the residents of the reserve, who raised and managed State and civil society resources with autonomy and solidarity, combining traditional knowledge with institutional and technological knowledge of the territory. So-called local experiences contain a complete vision of the world that should not be submitted to a totalizing category. Global Health can benefitconsideration of the various worlds that constitute its object.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
global health; colonialism, knowledge; Covid-19; cooperativism
Furtado, J. P., Almeida, E. M., Santos, G. P., Ramalho, S. A., Oda, W. Y.. Solidariedade como política: Saúde Global e democracia. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2024/mar). [Citado em 11/03/2025].
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