O objetivo do artigo é discutir as percepções e ações do poder público sobre o processo de introdução, produção, conservação, distribuição e aplicação da vacina contra a varíola, o surgimento de instituições ligadas à vacina e vacinação e seus principais entraves na Bahia do século XIX. O artigo enfatiza a dinâmica local e regional desse processo e aborda o problema da varíola na Bahia colonial, a chegada da vacina jenneriana, a difusão do método de vacinação, a constituição de instituições de saúde e as medidas de controle da doença implantadas a partir de 1808. No contexto do pós-independência e do Brasil Imperial, aborda os surtos de varíola e discute os problemas da vacina e vacinação relacionados pelos presidentes da província da Bahia e os esforços locais para introduzir a vacina animal. O artigo baseia-se em fontes primárias impressas publicadas na Bahia no século XIX e no diálogo com a literatura especializada.
The article\'s objective is to discuss the perceptions and actions of public authorities concerning the process of introduction, production, conservation, distribution, and application of the smallpox vaccine, the emergence of institutions associated with the vaccine and vaccination, and its main obstacles in Bahia in the 19th century. The article emphasizes the local and regional dynamics of this process. It addresses the problem of smallpox in colonial Bahia, the arrival of the Jennerian vaccine, the diffusion of the vaccination method, the constitution of health institutions, and the disease control measures implemented1808. In the context of the Independence and Imperial Brazil, it addresses smallpox outbreaks and discusses the problems related to vaccine and vaccination listed by the presidents of the province of Bahia and local efforts to introduce the animal vaccine. The article is based on printed primary sources published in Bahia in the 19th century and on the dialogue with specialized literature.
Public Health; Epidemics; Smallpox; Brazil-Empire; Medicine
Vaccine and smallpox vaccination in 19th century Bahia
Resumo (abstract):
The article\'s objective is to discuss the perceptions and actions of public authorities concerning the process of introduction, production, conservation, distribution, and application of the smallpox vaccine, the emergence of institutions associated with the vaccine and vaccination, and its main obstacles in Bahia in the 19th century. The article emphasizes the local and regional dynamics of this process. It addresses the problem of smallpox in colonial Bahia, the arrival of the Jennerian vaccine, the diffusion of the vaccination method, the constitution of health institutions, and the disease control measures implemented1808. In the context of the Independence and Imperial Brazil, it addresses smallpox outbreaks and discusses the problems related to vaccine and vaccination listed by the presidents of the province of Bahia and local efforts to introduce the animal vaccine. The article is based on printed primary sources published in Bahia in the 19th century and on the dialogue with specialized literature.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Public Health; Epidemics; Smallpox; Brazil-Empire; Medicine
Hochman, G., Souza, C. M. C.. Vacina e Vacinação antivariólica na Bahia Oitocentista. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2022/abr). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/vacina-e-vacinacao-antivariolica-na-bahia-oitocentista/18309?id=18309