0023/2020 - Validação de face e construto do Instrumento de Avaliação de Redes de Atenção Materno-infantil (IARAMI). Validation of face and construct of the Instrument of Evaluation of Maternal and Child Care Networks (IEMCN).
A organização dos sistemas de saúde em redes de atenção à saúde (RAS) se apresenta como uma estratégia para superar a fragmentação das ações e serviços de saúde materno-infantil e qualificar a gestão do cuidado. O objetivo deste estudo foi validar o Instrumento de Avaliação de Redes de Atenção Materno-infantil (IARAMI), adaptado do Instrumento de Avaliação de Redes de Atenção à Saúde. O processo de validação compreendeu a validação de face e construto. A metodologia utilizada para a validação de face incluiu a adaptação conceitual e semântica do instrumento e a análise por um painel de especialistas, por meio da técnica e-Delphi de consenso modificada. Após sua validação de face, o IARAMI foi aplicado em uma amostra de gestores de 99 municípios do estado do Paraná. A validação de construto foi conduzida por análise de consistência interna por meio do coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach e análise fatorial. A técnica de análise fatorial foi aplicada para cada uma das dimensões do instrumento, permitindo a análise de comunalidades para definição de permanência ou não dos itens por dimensão. Os resultados evidenciaram que o IARAMI apresentou confiabilidade e validade, demonstrando ser uma ferramenta que pode auxiliar gestores e trabalhadores da saúde no planejamento, gestão e avaliação do grau de integração da rede de atenção à saúde materno-infantil.
Sistemas de saúde, Atenção à saúde, Avaliação em saúde.
The organization of health systems in Health Care Networks (HCN) presents itself as a strategy to overcome the fragmentation of maternal and child health actions and services and to qualify care management. The objective of this study was to validate the Instrument for Evaluation of Maternal and Child Health Care Networks (IARAMI), adaptedthe Evaluation Tool of Health Care Networks. The validation process comprised face and construct validation The methodology used for face validation included the conceptual and semantic adaptation of the instrument and the analysis by a panel of experts, through the modified consensus e-Delphi technique. After face validation, the IARAMI was applied in a sample of 99 health managers of municipalities in the state of Paraná. The construct validation was conducted through the internal consistency analysis using Cronbach\'s alpha coefficient and factorial analysis. The factorial analysis technique was applied to each of the dimensions of the instrument, allowing the analysis of communilities for definition of permanence or not of items by dimension. The results showed that IARAMI presented reliability and validity, proving to be a tool that can help managers and health workers in the planning, management and evaluation of the degree of integration of the maternal and child care network.
Validation of face and construct of the Instrument of Evaluation of Maternal and Child Care Networks (IEMCN).
Resumo (abstract):
The organization of health systems in Health Care Networks (HCN) presents itself as a strategy to overcome the fragmentation of maternal and child health actions and services and to qualify care management. The objective of this study was to validate the Instrument for Evaluation of Maternal and Child Health Care Networks (IARAMI), adaptedthe Evaluation Tool of Health Care Networks. The validation process comprised face and construct validation The methodology used for face validation included the conceptual and semantic adaptation of the instrument and the analysis by a panel of experts, through the modified consensus e-Delphi technique. After face validation, the IARAMI was applied in a sample of 99 health managers of municipalities in the state of Paraná. The construct validation was conducted through the internal consistency analysis using Cronbach\'s alpha coefficient and factorial analysis. The factorial analysis technique was applied to each of the dimensions of the instrument, allowing the analysis of communilities for definition of permanence or not of items by dimension. The results showed that IARAMI presented reliability and validity, proving to be a tool that can help managers and health workers in the planning, management and evaluation of the degree of integration of the maternal and child care network.
Schiller, C.O.A, Moysés, S.T., Moysés, S.J., Werneck, R.I, Bellani, W.A.G.O, Ignácio, S.A. Validação de face e construto do Instrumento de Avaliação de Redes de Atenção Materno-infantil (IARAMI).. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/fev). [Citado em ].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/validacao-de-face-e-construto-do-instrumento-de-avaliacao-de-redes-de-atencao-maternoinfantil-iarami/17505?id=17505&id=17505