0395/2018 - Violência contra idosos e qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde: Estudo populacional no município de São Paulo. Violence against the elderly and health-related quality of life: Populational study in São Paulo.
Objetivou-se identificar a prevalência da violência doméstica contra idosos não institucionalizados e verificar se a violência é um fator independente associado aos Componentes Físico (CF) e Mental (CM) da Qualidade de Vida Relacionada à Saúde (QVRS) desses idosos. É um estudo epidemiológico transversal e de base populacional integrante do Estudo SABE (Saúde, Bem-Estar e Envelhecimento). A amostra foi de 1.126 idosos que responderam ao Short-Form 12 Health Related Survey (SF-12), instrumento genérico que avalia a QVRS em seus CF e CM. A prevalência da violência doméstica contra idosos foi de 10% (IC 95% 9,1 – 13,6). Na análise múltipla, a violência contra idosos permaneceu significativamente associada ao CM (?=-3,03; p=0,000) e ao CF (?=-1,69; p=0,017) da QVRS, independente de covariáveis sociodemográficas, de saúde, de apoio familiar e de incapacidade funcional. A prevalência da violência doméstica foi elevada e comprometeu a saúde física e mental dos idosos.
Qualidade de Vida, Idoso, Maus-tratos ao Idoso.
We aimed to identify the prevalence of domestic violence against non-institutionalized elderlies, and to verify if violence is an independent factor associated to the Physical (FC) and Mental (MC) Component scores of these elderlies Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL). This is a cross-sectional epidemiologic and population-based investigation that is part of the SABE (Health, Well-Being and Ageing) study. A sample of 1.126 elderlies filled the Short-Form 12 Health Related Survey (SF-12), a generic instrument that assesses the HRQOL through the Physical and Mental components. Prevalence of domestic violence was 10% (CI 95% 9.1-13.6). In the multiple analyses, violence against elderlies kept significantly associated to the MC (β=-3.03; p=0.000) and to FC (β=-1.69; p=0.017) of the HRQOL, independently of the sociodemographic, health, family support, and functional incapacity covariates. The prevalence of domestic violence was high and compromised the elderlies physical and mental health.
Violence against the elderly and health-related quality of life: Populational study in São Paulo.
Resumo (abstract):
We aimed to identify the prevalence of domestic violence against non-institutionalized elderlies, and to verify if violence is an independent factor associated to the Physical (FC) and Mental (MC) Component scores of these elderlies Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL). This is a cross-sectional epidemiologic and population-based investigation that is part of the SABE (Health, Well-Being and Ageing) study. A sample of 1.126 elderlies filled the Short-Form 12 Health Related Survey (SF-12), a generic instrument that assesses the HRQOL through the Physical and Mental components. Prevalence of domestic violence was 10% (CI 95% 9.1-13.6). In the multiple analyses, violence against elderlies kept significantly associated to the MC (β=-3.03; p=0.000) and to FC (β=-1.69; p=0.017) of the HRQOL, independently of the sociodemographic, health, family support, and functional incapacity covariates. The prevalence of domestic violence was high and compromised the elderlies physical and mental health.
Machado, D. R., Kimura, M, Duarte, Y.A.O, Lebrão, M.L.. Violência contra idosos e qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde: Estudo populacional no município de São Paulo.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/ago). [Citado em 22/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/violencia-contra-idosos-e-qualidade-de-vida-relacionada-a-saude-estudo-populacional-no-municipio-de-sao-paulo/16928?id=16928