0196/2022 - Access to those who want or to those who can? Equity in utilization of doctor visits in Portugal based on HIS 2019
Acesso para quem quer ou para quem pode? Equidade na utilização de consultas médicas em Portugal com base no INS 2019


• Micaela Antunes - Antunes, M. - <micaela@fe.uc.pt>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2113-2139


• Carlota Quintal - Quintal, C. - <qcarlota@fe.uc.pt>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8306-3431


Horizontal equity in the use of healthcare implies equal use, for equal need, irrespective of other factors - predisposing or enabling factors (Andersen’s model). Our objective is to assess equity in utilisation of medical consultations in Portugal in 2019, comparing the results with those obtained in a previous study, based on data2014. Data comethe National Health Survey 2019. Healthcare utilisation is measured by the number of doctor visits. To assess the factors affecting use we adopted the Negative Binomial Model. To quantify income-related inequality/inequity we computed the concentration index. Compared to 2014, the effects of self-assessed health, limitations in activities of daily living and longstanding illness are more pronounced, and the region, income, household type and marital status are significant for visits to a General Practitioner. In the case of visits to specialists, insurance lost statistical significance and the education effect reduced, but income became significant (greater use for higher income). The inequity index is not significant for visits to a General Practitioner, as in 2014, but the (significant) value of this index increased for visits to other specialists.


Equity in Access to Health Services; Concentration Index; Health Survey; Portugal


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Antunes, M., Quintal, C.. Access to those who want or to those who can? Equity in utilization of doctor visits in Portugal based on HIS 2019. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2022/Jul). [Citado em 28/09/2024]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/access-to-those-who-want-or-to-those-who-can-equity-in-utilization-of-doctor-visits-in-portugal-based-on-his-2019/18452?id=18452&id=18452

