FAQ - Frequentely Asked Questions

This section contains frequently asked questions about submission, payment of fees, translation of articles and information relevant to the publication of an article in the Journal Ciência & Saúde Coletiva.

A cover letter to the editor is necessary. We do not have a specific template, but the Journal’s rules underscore the importance of the letter in the Notes on Editorial Policy section. The letter usually outlines the article, its underlying research, whether there is a conflict of interest, funding, acknowledgements (if any), and includes the authors’ contributions to the article. This letter should be attached to the Cover Letter section (Step 5 of the submission). After the review, if the article receives a Major Revision or Minor Revision opinion, when authors send the article with the corrections, they must attach a response letter without identifying the authors in the attachments field (supplemental file for review), responding point by point to what was requested by the reviewers.
The statements requested by Ciência & Saúde Coletiva are only requested after the article has been approved. Then, an email will be sent asking for the declarations and templates will be attached, which all authors of the article must sign. There is no need to worry about the declarations when submitting the article.
Since March 2014, the submission system of Ciência & Saúde Coletiva has adopted ScholarOne, as required by SciELO, which is in English, but the Journal accepts articles in Portuguese, which are the majority, English, Spanish, and French. Authors can normally submit their articles in Portuguese. However, according to the rules, it is only necessary to include the title and the abstract also in English and Spanish. These parts in English and Spanish are included when attaching the full text file. When articles that have already been approved go to the Journal’s press to await publication, an email is sent asking whether the authors wish to translate the article into English and Spanish, which is not mandatory, but is highly recommended by SciELO. If the authors wish to translate, the costs are borne by the authors, as the Journal cannot afford the translation, so the names of accredited translators who provide this service are indicated. If the authors already have their trusted translators with experience in translating scientific health articles, these professionals are also accepted.
Your article to Ciência e Saúde Coletiva should be submitted it through the website (www.cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br). On the home page, at the top, click on Submit. When you enter this submission area, click on How to submit your article, read the new guidelines and information on paying the submission fee. On the side, in Submission rules, there are the article submission rules. The submission fee for national articles is BRL 100.00, and US$25.00 for international articles, and no publication fee is charged. We recommend that you first read the Journal’s rules before paying the fee and submitting the article for evaluation. There are new and important guidelines in the Notes on Editorial Policy section.
No publication fees are charged. Only a submission fee of BRL 100.00 is charged for national articles, and US$25.00 are charged for international articles. Authors will not pay a publication fee if the article is approved. However, if the article is rejected, the submission fee is not refunded. This support from the authors is essential to finance the journal’s costs, enabling publication with universal access for readers.
If you are submitting an article for evaluation for the first time to Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, you will need to access our website and click on the access to submit the article in Submit, How to submit your article, and in the highlighted gray box, click on Pay online. You will register and then you can pay the submission fee in any way you choose. On the side, you will find in Submission rules, the article submitting rules aand at the end there is a button to access the ScholarOne article evaluation system. When you click on this button, you will be taken to the system’s home page and will have to click on Create An Account to register and then submit the article. However, first check to unblock your internet browser’s pop-up blocker, otherwise it will not let you log in. You will need to register a password that must have exactly 8 alphanumeric characters and then you will have access to submit the article. If you are the only author submitting the article, you must enter your ORCID in your registration, as it is mandatory for the author submitting the article. In the field to attach the article files, proof of payment of the submission fee must be enclosed as an attachment of the supplemental file NOT for review type.
Ciência & Saúde Coletiva journal is thematic. However, we also publish review, opinion, and free-topic articles. Thematic articles are selected by public call, invitation, or collection of articles already approved.
Ciência & Saúde Coletiva journal is published monthly and its current Qualis CAPES classification is A1. Qualis CAPES is a system for journals used to evaluate postgraduate programs.
The character limit for articles, depending on the type of article, is up to 40 thousand characters with space for articles on free themes, up to 45 thousand characters with space for review articles, up to 20 thousand characters with space for opinion articles, and is counted from the introduction to the references. The abstracts are counted separately and must have up to 1400 characters with space each, counting from the word Abstract/Resumo/Resumen to the Keywords/Palavras-chave/Palabras clave. Illustrations, if any, (tables, figures, boxes, and graphs) are also not included in the character count, but only up to five images are accepted per article.
The total number of illustrations allowed per article is up to five illustrations with a maximum of 2 pages each. If the total number of illustrations exceeds 10 pages, it is necessary to reduce or separate the illustrations that will be included in the article and the supplementary material (if the article is approved, this may be deposited in the SciELO Data repository). However, if the author chooses to separate, when submitting the article, the supplementary material must be included as an attachment of the supplemental file for review type. After submission, a standards verification is performed. If corrections are needed, the article will be returned to the author’s area for adjustments and a notification will be sent by email.
The maximum number of authors per article is eight. If this is exceeded, the names of the others will be included in the acknowledgments. Some articles have more authors in the case of research groups or in exceptional cases with the authorization of the editors.
The entire textual part of the article must be included in the article’s main file (Main document): title in Portuguese, title in English, title in Spanish, abstract/keywords resumo/palavras-chave, resumen/palabras clave in Portuguese/English/Spanish, text body and references, in the language chosen for submission. Except for the authors’ data. The authors’ data must be included in a file called Title page, which must contain the article title in Portuguese, English and Spanish, the authors’ names, institution, e-mail, ORCID and correspondence address. The authors’ contributions, acknowledgments (if any) and funding (if any) must be included in the cover letter, which is in Step 5 of the submission. If the figures do not distort, the author can send them in the text body at the end of the text, in the same file, or one by one separately. However, if sent at the end of the text or separately, the author will have to indicate in the text the place where the images will appear.

