0030/2018 - Consumo do benzodiazepínico clonazepam (Rivotril ®) no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2009-2013: Estudo ecológico.
Consumo do benzodiazepínico clonazepam (Rivotril ®) no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2009-2013: Estudo ecológico


• Rafaela Teixeira Zorzanelli - Zorzanelli, R.T. - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - <rtzorzanelli@hotmail.com>


• Fabiola Giordani - Giordani, F - <fabiolagiordani@id.uff.br>
• Lusiele Guaraldo - Guaraldo, L - <lusiele.guaraldo@ini.fiocruz.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0047-6538
• Márcia Gonçalves de Oliveira - Oliveira, MG - <marcia.goncalves@anvisa.gov.br>
• Renata Mota - Mota, R - <RENATA.MOTA@anvisa.gov.br>
• Renata de Morais Souza - Souza, RM - <Renata.Souza@anvisa.gov.br>
• Arnaldo Brito - Brito, A - <Arnaldo.Brito@fgv.br>
• Guacira Corrêa de Matos - Matos, GC - <guaciracmatos@gmail.com>
• Suely Rozenfeld - Rozenfeld, S - <rozenfel@ensp.fiocruz.br>


This descriptive and ecological study estimated the prevalence of clonazepam consumption in Rio de Janeiro State2009 to 2013. Consumption was measured using Defined Daily Dose by total population and by population 18 or more years old. Calculations were performed using standard DDDs of 8 mg (indication as anticonvulsant) and 1 mg (indication as hypnosedative). The municipalities of the Metropolitan Region were grouped by Human Development Index (HDI) and by GINI coefficient, subjected to cluster analysis by Ward’s hierarchical method, and ranked by mean and median clonazepam consumption. In Rio de Janeiro State, clonazepam consumption increased0.35 to 1.97 DDD per 1000 population. The values are higher when only individuals over 18 years of age are considered. When the calculation formula is applied to a dose of 1 mg rather than 8 mg, the result, in 2013, is 21 DDD per 1000 population over 18 years old. In 2013 Rio de Janeiro and Niterói, which boast the highest HDIs, returned the highest consumption estimates, 3.38 DDD and 4.52 DDD, respectively. The data suggest that up to 2% of the adult population are users of clonazepam, possibly as a hypnosedative. Hence consideration must be given to the fact of extended use beyond therapeutic indications.


Prescription drug misuse, Benzodiazepines, Clonazepam, Mental health, Pharmacoepidemiology


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Zorzanelli, R.T., Giordani, F, Guaraldo, L, Oliveira, MG, Mota, R, Souza, RM, Brito, A, Matos, GC, Rozenfeld, S. Consumo do benzodiazepínico clonazepam (Rivotril ®) no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2009-2013: Estudo ecológico.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/Jan). [Citado em 28/09/2024]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/consumo-do-benzodiazepinico-clonazepam-rivotril-no-estado-do-rio-de-janeiro-20092013-estudo-ecologico/16563?id=16563

