0187/2023 - NBCAL violation of products that compete with breastfeeding on the social network Instagram
Violação à NBCAL de produtos que competem com a amamentação na rede social Instagram


• Enilce de Oliveira Fonseca Sally - Sally, E.O.F - <eoliveirasally@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9506-3690


• Daiane Silva Gomes - Gomes, D.S - <daianegomes@id.uff.br>
• Lais de Oliveira Costa - Costa, L.O - <laiscosta@id.uff.br>
• Patricia Henriques - Henriques, P. - <patriciah@id.uff.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8154-0962


Objectives: identify violations of NBCAL and analyze the content of messages posted on the social network Instagram. Study of quali-quantitative approach, with a convenience sample composed of profiles identified by means of specific terms, preceded by the hashtag symbol (#). Data collection was carried out for two months by trained researchers, using a structured questionnaire. The frequency of promotion of products that characterized violation of the NBCAL was calculated, according to category and manufacturer. The messages were analyzed using the content analysis technique. 64 personal accounts of women mothers with violations in 89 products were identified, mostly food (n=72), with dairy products (54.2%) and infant formulas (45.8%) being the most publicized. Two thematic categories emergedthe posted texts, one related to the quality of the products and the other about the difficulty with breastfeeding, especially the low milk production. The study identified violations of NBCAL on the social network Instagram, alerting to the need to recognize digital marketing to include it in the rules imposed by Norma in the virtual context, considering the capillarity of social networks in the dissemination of information to the public in question.


virtual social network; marketing, breastfeeding; maternity, infant food


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Sally, E.O.F, Gomes, D.S, Costa, L.O, Henriques, P.. NBCAL violation of products that compete with breastfeeding on the social network Instagram. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2023/Jul). [Citado em 19/09/2024]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/nbcal-violation-of-products-that-compete-with-breastfeeding-on-the-social-network-instagram/18813?id=18813

