0507/2016 - The use of crack and other drugs: the family’s perception in relation to a treatment center’s support network.
Uso de crack e outras drogas: percepção familiar em relação à rede de suporte em um centro de referência.


• Bruno David Henriques - Henriques, B.D - Viçosa - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Medicina e Enfermagem - <brunoenfer@yahoo.com.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6844-6661


• Amanda Marcia dos Santos Reinaldo - Reinaldo, Amanda Marcia dos Santos - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Escola de Enfermagem. Departamento de Enfermagem aplicada - <amandamsreinaldo@gmail.com>
• Lilian Fernandes Arial Ayres - Ayres, Lilian Fernandes Arial - Universidade Federal de Vicosa Centro de Ciencias Biologicas e da Saude, Departamento de Medicina e Enfermagem - <lliliayresenf@yahoo.com.br>
• Marina Silva Lucca - Lucca, Marina Silva - Universidade Federal de Vicosa Centro de Ciencias Biologicas e da Saude, Departamento de Medicina e Enfermagem - <lucca_marina@hotmail.com>
• Regina Lunardi Rocha - Lunardi, R.L. - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Faculdade de Medicina, Departamento de Pediatria - <reginalunardi@hotmail.com>

Thematic Area:

Saúde da Criança e do Adolescente


The abuse of mind-altering drugs is a health problem throughout the whole world. Its magnitude pervades childhood and adult life. The objective of this article is to understand the feelings and perceptions of family members regarding the support network, care and treatment of those offspring who use crack and associated drugs, in the context of a center for treatment. As a methodological approach, qualitative research was used, with data collected and analyzed under the lens of the thought of Phenomenology. The research was done at Belo Horizonte’s CERSAMi in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Eleven participants were interviewed, their participation being finalized at saturation point. The analysis was founded on three steps: description, reduction and phenomenological comprehension. Proposal for the work: the foundation, the presentation and the discussion are founded in the category Feelings and perceptions of family members in relation to the network for support, care and treatment. In the encounter with the subjects and during their immersion in discourse, moments which make family structure fragile are noticeable. In the day-to-day reality there becomes established a future of uncertainties in relation to the care, support and rehabilitation of the children.


Crack CocaineFamilyChildAdolescentQualitative Research


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Henriques, B.D, Reinaldo, Amanda Marcia dos Santos, Ayres, Lilian Fernandes Arial, Lucca, Marina Silva, Lunardi, R.L.. The use of crack and other drugs: the family’s perception in relation to a treatment center’s support network.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/Nov). [Citado em 19/09/2024]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/the-use-of-crack-and-other-drugs-the-familys-perception-in-relation-to-a-treatment-centers-support-network/15933?id=15933&id=15933

