0371/2019 - A “amiga que já abortou”: um olhar sobre experiências partilhadas em uma comunidade virtual The \"friend who has already aborted\": A look at shared experiences in a virtual community
As pesquisas sobre aborto provocado no Brasil têm apontado para a existência de uma dinâmica paradoxal sobre o fenômeno. Se, por um lado, trata-se de um assunto tabu e cercado de estigma, conformando um tecido de aparente invisibilidade social para a prática, por outro é evento comum na vida reprodutiva das mulheres de todas as classes sociais, raças e religiões, indicando uma cultura de amplo compartilhamento de conhecimento e prática sobre o tema. Este artigo versa sobre a personagem da “amiga que já abortou”, que aparece em narrativas sobre a experiência com aborto induzido compartilhadas publicamente em uma plataforma online, entendida aqui como uma comunidade virtual de troca sobre o assunto, mantida pela organização não governamental internacional Women on Web. A partir de uma etnografia virtual, percebeu-se que esta personagem ganha destaque nas narrativas e no universo das redes sociais interpessoais mobilizadas pelas mulheres no seu itinerário abortivo. Relações que estimulam a reflexão sobre o lugar da solidariedade entre mulheres na coletivização de saberes e estratégias e na produção de uma resistência comum diante do contexto de clandestinidade e estigmatização que conforma o tema do aborto no país.
aborto provocado, redes sociais, internet, produção do comum.
The research on abortion in Brazil has pointed to the existence of a paradoxical dynamic about the phenomenon. On the one hand it is a taboo subject and surrounded by stigma, conforming an apparent social invisibility of this practice, and on the other hand it is a common event in the reproductive life of women of all social classes, races and religions, indicating a culture of broad sharing of knowledge and practice on the subject. This paper is about the character of the \"friend who has already aborted\", which appears in narratives about the abortion experience shared publicly in an online platform, understood here as a virtual exchange community on the subject, maintained by the international non-governmental organization Women on Web. From a virtual ethnography, it was perceived that this person gains prominence in the narratives and in the universe of the interpersonal social networks mobilized by the women in its abortive pathways. Relations that stimulate reflection on the place of solidarity among women in the collectivization of knowledge and strategies and in the production of a common resistance in the context of clandestine and stigmatization that forms the theme of abortion in the country.
abortion, social networks, internet, production of the commons.
The \"friend who has already aborted\": A look at shared experiences in a virtual community
Resumo (abstract):
The research on abortion in Brazil has pointed to the existence of a paradoxical dynamic about the phenomenon. On the one hand it is a taboo subject and surrounded by stigma, conforming an apparent social invisibility of this practice, and on the other hand it is a common event in the reproductive life of women of all social classes, races and religions, indicating a culture of broad sharing of knowledge and practice on the subject. This paper is about the character of the \"friend who has already aborted\", which appears in narratives about the abortion experience shared publicly in an online platform, understood here as a virtual exchange community on the subject, maintained by the international non-governmental organization Women on Web. From a virtual ethnography, it was perceived that this person gains prominence in the narratives and in the universe of the interpersonal social networks mobilized by the women in its abortive pathways. Relations that stimulate reflection on the place of solidarity among women in the collectivization of knowledge and strategies and in the production of a common resistance in the context of clandestine and stigmatization that forms the theme of abortion in the country.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
abortion, social networks, internet, production of the commons.
Duarte, N. I. G, Silva, V.L.M, Pinto, L.W.. A “amiga que já abortou”: um olhar sobre experiências partilhadas em uma comunidade virtual. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/nov). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/a-amiga-que-ja-abortou-um-olhar-sobre-experiencias-partilhadas-em-uma-comunidade-virtual/17445?id=17445