0346/2017 - A Fisioterapia para Novos Atores: Disputas e Inovações para Atenção às Crianças Cronicamente Adoecidas. Physiotherapy for New Actors: Disputes and Innovations in Care for Chronically Ill Children.
Exploramos, a partir de entrevistas com fisioterapeutas, os argumentos produzidos por estes sobre suas ações e as relações entre uma mudança que vem ocorrendo no perfil de adoecimento em crianças, onde vemos um aumento da prevalência de condições crônicas complexas. De caráter qualitativo, os dados foram gerados com base em duas afirmativas provocadoras de argumentos por parte dos profissionais. A análise dos dados revelou falas que podem ser referidas como resultados de disputas de poder sobre a atuação nesse novo campo de saber. Para se sentir reconhecido e valorizado o fisioterapeuta procura se afirmar através de seu conhecimento e da aproximação com outras categorias profissionais, principalmente a medicina. No entanto, vemos que o profissional utiliza com os familiares e cuidadores um discurso mais simples, gerando um vínculo de confiança e uma identificação com os mesmos, o que facilita seu atendimento e o acesso a criança. Apontamos a necessidade de o ambiente hospitalar ser reconhecido como espaço de atuação de outras categorias, além de Medicina e Enfermagem, e a valorização da formação em fisioterapia pediátrica.
Based on interviews with physiotherapists, we explored the arguments produced by them about their actions and the relationships of a change that has been taking place in the profile of illness in children, we see an increase in the prevalence of complex chronic conditions. Structured in a qualitative approach, the data were generated based on two provocative affirmations that generated arguments by the professionals. The analysis of the data revealed speeches that can be referred to as results of power disputes over the expertise in this new field of knowledge. In order to feel recognized and valued, the physiotherapist seeks to affirm himself through his knowledge and approach to other professional categories, especially medicine. However, we see that the professional uses a simpler discourse with family and caregivers, creating a bond of trust and identification with them, which facilitates their care and access to children. We point out the need for the hospital environment to be recognized as a place for action of other categories, in addition to Medicine and Nursing, and the enphasis on training in pediatric physiotherapy.
Physiotherapy for New Actors: Disputes and Innovations in Care for Chronically Ill Children.
Resumo (abstract):
Based on interviews with physiotherapists, we explored the arguments produced by them about their actions and the relationships of a change that has been taking place in the profile of illness in children, we see an increase in the prevalence of complex chronic conditions. Structured in a qualitative approach, the data were generated based on two provocative affirmations that generated arguments by the professionals. The analysis of the data revealed speeches that can be referred to as results of power disputes over the expertise in this new field of knowledge. In order to feel recognized and valued, the physiotherapist seeks to affirm himself through his knowledge and approach to other professional categories, especially medicine. However, we see that the professional uses a simpler discourse with family and caregivers, creating a bond of trust and identification with them, which facilitates their care and access to children. We point out the need for the hospital environment to be recognized as a place for action of other categories, in addition to Medicine and Nursing, and the enphasis on training in pediatric physiotherapy.
Madureira, AF, Moreira, Martha Cristina Nunes, Sá, MC. A Fisioterapia para Novos Atores: Disputas e Inovações para Atenção às Crianças Cronicamente Adoecidas.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/set). [Citado em 12/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/a-fisioterapia-para-novos-atores-disputas-e-inovacoes-para-atencao-as-criancas-cronicamente-adoecidas/16398?id=16398