0255/2018 - A prevenção à violência em programas interdisciplinares que atuam em escolas Brasileiras e portuguesas. The prevention of violence in interdisciplinary programs that work in Brazilian and Portuguese schools.
O presente artigo tem por objetivo compreender de que modo e em que medida equipes interdisciplinares de apoio às escolas públicas no contexto brasileiro e português caracterizam e desenvolvem ações em prol da prevenção à violência. A pesquisa foi realizada a partir de um estudo exploratório, através de entrevistas com 24 profissionais e posteriormente realizou-se análise temática. Os resultados apontam que no Programa que existe em Portugal a prevenção é sempre apontada como uma possibilidade; no programa brasileiro, além dos discursos que apostam na prevenção, também há menção a limites quanto a realização de práticas preventivas em escolas. Nas localidades investigadas, as ações de prevenção sinalizadas se apresentam de modo incipiente quando comparadas com as ações preconizadas pela Organização Mundial e Panamericana de Saúde. Discute-se que uma visão mais estratégica do Ministério da Educação e das Secretarias de Educação poderia contribuir para a não responsabilização solitária da instituição escolar pela prevenção da violência, e deste modo, potencializar a redução do fenômeno e favorecer seus efeitos em longo prazo.
Escola – Prevenção – Violência - Programa
his article aims at what is what is what is what is what is what is what is is what is what is what is meaning. A research was carried outan exploratory study, through interviews with 24 professionals and more, thematic analysis was carried out. The results indicate that in Portugal´s initiative prevention is always considered a possibility and in Brazil, in addition to the discourses that focus on prevention, there is also a reference to the limits regarding the performance of preventive practices in schools. It is argued that a more strategic view of the Ministry of Education and of the Secretariats of Education for Education is not responsible for the creation of school education in the localities investigated, as actions of prevention without sinistros, as actions advocated by the World and Pan American Health Organization. by violence prevention, and this way, potentiate a reduction of the phenomenon and favor its effects in the long term.
The prevention of violence in interdisciplinary programs that work in Brazilian and Portuguese schools.
Resumo (abstract):
his article aims at what is what is what is what is what is what is what is is what is what is what is meaning. A research was carried outan exploratory study, through interviews with 24 professionals and more, thematic analysis was carried out. The results indicate that in Portugal´s initiative prevention is always considered a possibility and in Brazil, in addition to the discourses that focus on prevention, there is also a reference to the limits regarding the performance of preventive practices in schools. It is argued that a more strategic view of the Ministry of Education and of the Secretariats of Education for Education is not responsible for the creation of school education in the localities investigated, as actions of prevention without sinistros, as actions advocated by the World and Pan American Health Organization. by violence prevention, and this way, potentiate a reduction of the phenomenon and favor its effects in the long term.
Silva, FR, Assis, S.G. A prevenção à violência em programas interdisciplinares que atuam em escolas Brasileiras e portuguesas.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/mai). [Citado em 12/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/a-prevencao-a-violencia-em-programas-interdisciplinares-que-atuam-em-escolas-brasileiras-e-portuguesas/16788?id=16788