0199/2017 - Acesso aos serviços odontológicos e fatores associados: estudo populacional domiciliar. Access to dental services and factors related: a population study.
Objetivou-se identificar fatores associados à falta de acesso aos serviços odontológicos. Estudo transversal, amostra complexa probabilística por conglomerados em dois estágios de 857 participantes, com mais de 18 anos em um município de grande porte populacional. Foram feitas análises múltipla através da regressão logística e multivariada em árvores de decisão. Considerou-se como variável dependente o acesso aos serviços odontológicos. Identificou-se que 10,3% (n=88) não obtiveram acesso. Nas análises múltipla e multivariada constataram-se associação com a idade, na regressão logística constatou-se maior chance de falta de acesso a cada ano de idade incrementado, entre aqueles com menor renda per capita e entre os que classificaram a aparência dos dentes e gengivas como “regular/ruim/péssima”. A falta de acesso aos serviços odontológicos é maior entre os mais vulneráveis socialmente. Há necessidade de incremento na alocação de recursos públicos que promovam educação em saúde e gere conhecimento sobre como acessar os serviços quando necessitar, tendo em foco os cuidados odontológicos como um direito humano e que possibilitem que não ocorra a falta de acesso à medida que os usuários envelhecem ou entre os com baixa renda e também os insatisfeitos com a aparência bucal.
Acesso aos Serviços de SaúdeAvaliação de Serviços de SaúdeSaúde BucalServiços de Saúde Bucal
This study aimed to identify factors associated with lack of access to the dental services. Cross-sectional study, probabilistic sample complex with conglomerates in two stages of 857 participants, with more than 18 years. Were made multiple analyze (logistic regression) and multivariate analyze (decision trees). It was considered as variable dependent the lack of access to the dental services. It was identified that 10.3% (n = 88) did not have access. In multiple and multivariate analyzes were verified association with age, and in the logistic regression was found a greater possibility of lack of access to each year of increased age, among those with the lowest per capita income and between those who ranked appearance of teeth and gums as \"fair/poor/very poor\". The lack of access to dental services was greater among most socially vulnerable. There is a need to increase the allocation of public resources that promote health education and generate knowledge about how to access services when they need it, focusing on dental care as a human right and treating to do not occur the lack of access to elder users, between those with low income and also those dissatisfied with the oral appearance.
Access to Health ServicesHealth Services EvaluationOral healthDental Health Services
Access to dental services and factors related: a population study.
Resumo (abstract):
This study aimed to identify factors associated with lack of access to the dental services. Cross-sectional study, probabilistic sample complex with conglomerates in two stages of 857 participants, with more than 18 years. Were made multiple analyze (logistic regression) and multivariate analyze (decision trees). It was considered as variable dependent the lack of access to the dental services. It was identified that 10.3% (n = 88) did not have access. In multiple and multivariate analyzes were verified association with age, and in the logistic regression was found a greater possibility of lack of access to each year of increased age, among those with the lowest per capita income and between those who ranked appearance of teeth and gums as \"fair/poor/very poor\". The lack of access to dental services was greater among most socially vulnerable. There is a need to increase the allocation of public resources that promote health education and generate knowledge about how to access services when they need it, focusing on dental care as a human right and treating to do not occur the lack of access to elder users, between those with low income and also those dissatisfied with the oral appearance.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Access to Health ServicesHealth Services EvaluationOral healthDental Health Services
Carreiro, Danilo Lima, Souza, João Gabriel Silva, Coutinho, Wagner Luiz Mineiro, Haikal DS, MARTINS, A. M. E. B. L.. Acesso aos serviços odontológicos e fatores associados: estudo populacional domiciliar.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/mai). [Citado em 23/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/acesso-aos-servicos-odontologicos-e-fatores-associados-estudo-populacional-domiciliar/16245?id=16245