0236/2012 - Artigo debate, debatedores e réplica (ver na imagem 5 o texto completo) Itinerários e métodos do aborto ilegal em cinco capitais brasileiras. Itineraries and methods of illegal abortion in five Brazilian state capitals
Objetivos: O artigo apresenta os resultados da etapa de entrevistas estruturadas da Pesquisa Nacional de Aborto (PNA-entrevistas), descrevendo características das mulheres que fizeram ao menos um aborto ilegal, os itinerários e os métodos utilizados. Metodologia: entrevistas estruturadas feitas ao longo de 2010 e 2011 com 122 mulheres entre 18 e 39 anos que abortaram, em cinco capitais brasileiras (Belém, Brasília, Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro e Salvador). Amostra não probabilística controlada por seis cotas, de acordo com nível educacional e idade, refletindo a estrutura social e demográfica encontrada na PNA-urna. Resultados: a maioria das mulheres entrevistadas realizou apenas um aborto, mas uma em cada quatro realizou dois abortos, e uma em cada 17 realizou três abortos. A maioria dos abortos ocorre entre jovens até 19 anos, muitas das quais já tiveram filhos. Os exames mais comuns para identificar a gravidez são o beta-HCG sérico, o teste de urina de farmácia e o ultrassom. Há uma prevalência do aborto entre mulheres negras. O principal método abortivo é uma combinação de chás e cytotec (misoprostol) com a finalização em hospitais. Parentes e companheiros auxiliam em diferentes etapas do processo. Várias mulheres relataram já ter ajudado outras mulheres a abortar após sua experiência individual.
aborto induzido
gravidez na adolescência
saúde reprodutiva
Objectives: we present the results of the structured interview phase of the National Abortion Survey (PNA), describing the social and demographic profile of women who performed at least one illegal abortion and the itineraries and methods used by them. Methods: structured interviews conducted by female interviewers during the years 2010 and 2011 in five state capitals (Belem, Brasilia, Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro and Salvador) with 122 women aged between 18 and 39 years who have aborted. Non-probabilistic sample controlled by six quotas of education and age was used as to reflect the social and demographic structure found in the PNA ballot-box questionnaires phase. Results: the majority of women interviewed have performed only one abortion, but 1 in every 4 performed two abortions and 1 in every 17 performed a third one. The first and second abortions are more frequent among teenagers. Most women who aborted already had children. A higher incidence is found among black women. The prevailing method for induction is a combination of teas and misoprostol (named Cytotec in Brazil), followed by hospital assistance after induction. Women are usually helped by a relative or their partners.
induced abortion
teenager pregnancy
reproductive health
Itineraries and methods of illegal abortion in five Brazilian state capitals
Resumo (abstract):
Objectives: we present the results of the structured interview phase of the National Abortion Survey (PNA), describing the social and demographic profile of women who performed at least one illegal abortion and the itineraries and methods used by them. Methods: structured interviews conducted by female interviewers during the years 2010 and 2011 in five state capitals (Belem, Brasilia, Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro and Salvador) with 122 women aged between 18 and 39 years who have aborted. Non-probabilistic sample controlled by six quotas of education and age was used as to reflect the social and demographic structure found in the PNA ballot-box questionnaires phase. Results: the majority of women interviewed have performed only one abortion, but 1 in every 4 performed two abortions and 1 in every 17 performed a third one. The first and second abortions are more frequent among teenagers. Most women who aborted already had children. A higher incidence is found among black women. The prevailing method for induction is a combination of teas and misoprostol (named Cytotec in Brazil), followed by hospital assistance after induction. Women are usually helped by a relative or their partners.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
induced abortion
teenager pregnancy
reproductive health
Diniz, D. Artigo debate, debatedores e réplica (ver na imagem 5 o texto completo) Itinerários e métodos do aborto ilegal em cinco capitais brasileiras.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2012/mar). [Citado em 23/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/artigo-debate-debatedores-e-replica-ver-na-imagem-5-o-texto-completo-itinerarios-e-metodos-do-aborto-ilegal-em-cinco-capitais-brasileiras/9597?id=9597