0230/2016 - Aspectos sociodemográficos relacionados à gravidade da maloclusão em crianças Brasileiras de 12 anos. Socio-demographic aspects related to malocclusion severity among 12-year-old Brazilian children
• Flávia Martão Flório - Flório, F.M. - Campinas, São Paulo - São Leopoldo Mandic Dental School and Research Center, Public Health - <flaviaflorio@yahoo.com>
• Claudiana Donato Bauman - Bauman , Claudiana Donato - Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros, Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Saúde - <caubauman@gmail.com>
• José Mansano Bauman - Bauman, José Mansano - São Leopoldo Mandic Dental School and Research Center, Public Health - <jmbauman@gmail.com>
Área Temática:
Saúde Bucal
Caracterizar a maloclusão em crianças brasileiras de 12 anos e identificar os aspectos sociodemográficos associados. Trata-se de um estudo transversal e analítico com base nos dados do SB Brasil 2010. Foram incluídas 5539 crianças dentre as quais 41% possuíam algum grau de maloclusão de acordo com o índice Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI). Conduziu-se análises descritivas, bivariadas e múltiplas por regressão logística multinomial. A maloclusão definida foi maior entre os que avaliaram sua saúde bucal como nem satisfeito/nem insatisfeito (OR 1,24; IC95%1,03-1,50) e insatisfeito (OR 1,76; IC95%1,50-2,08). A maloclusão grave foi maior entre crianças do Sudeste (OR 1,44; IC95%1,06-1,96) e Sul (OR 1,52; IC95%1,05-2,19), sexo masculino (OR 1,24; IC95%1,03-1,48), raça negro/pardo (OR 1,39; IC95%1,14-1,69) e que avaliaram sua saúde bucal como nem satisfeito/nem insatisfeito (OR 1,79; IC95%1,41-2,26) e insatisfeito (OR 2,20; IC95%1,77-2,72). O nível muito grave foi maior entre os residentes de capitais (OR 1,36; IC95%1,07-1,71) e que avaliaram sua saúde bucal como nem satisfeito/nem insatisfeito (OR 1,58; IC95%1,22-2,05) e insatisfeito (OR 2,44; IC95%1,96-3,03). A prevalência da maloclusão é alta entre crianças brasileiras, sendo suas diferentes gravidades associadas a aspectos sociodemográficos.
Má OclusãoOclusão DentáriaCriançaSaúde bucal
The aim of this study was to characterize the malocclusion in Brazilian children and identify the socio-demographic aspects associated. Data were takenthe Brazilian Oral Health Survey (SBBrasil 2010) a sample of 5,539 12-year-olds and among these 41% had some degree of malocclusion according to the Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI). Conducted descriptive analyses, bivariate and multiple logistic regression multinomial. The definite malocclusion was greater among those who rated their oral health as neither satisfied nor dissatisfied (OR 1.24; CI95%1.03-1.50) and unfulfilled (OR 1.76; CI95%1.50-2.08). The severe malocclusion was greater among children in the Southeast (OR 1.44; CI95%1.06-1.96) and South (OR 1.52; CI95%1.05-2.19), male (OR 1.24; CI95%1.03-1.48), Black/Brown (OR 1.39; CI95%1.14-1.69) and that have rated their oral health as neither satisfied/nor dissatisfied (OR 1.79;CI95%1.41-2.26) and unfulfilled (OR 2.20; CI95%1.77-2.72). The very severe malocclusion was higher among residents of capital (OR 1.36; CI95%1.07-1.71) and that evaluated their oral health as neither satisfied/nor dissatisfied (OR 1.58; CI95%1.22-2.05) and unfulfilled (OR 2.44; CI95%1.96-3.03). The prevalence of malocclusion is high among Brazilian children, being their different severities associated with socio-demographic aspects.
Socio-demographic aspects related to malocclusion severity among 12-year-old Brazilian children
Resumo (abstract):
The aim of this study was to characterize the malocclusion in Brazilian children and identify the socio-demographic aspects associated. Data were takenthe Brazilian Oral Health Survey (SBBrasil 2010) a sample of 5,539 12-year-olds and among these 41% had some degree of malocclusion according to the Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI). Conducted descriptive analyses, bivariate and multiple logistic regression multinomial. The definite malocclusion was greater among those who rated their oral health as neither satisfied nor dissatisfied (OR 1.24; CI95%1.03-1.50) and unfulfilled (OR 1.76; CI95%1.50-2.08). The severe malocclusion was greater among children in the Southeast (OR 1.44; CI95%1.06-1.96) and South (OR 1.52; CI95%1.05-2.19), male (OR 1.24; CI95%1.03-1.48), Black/Brown (OR 1.39; CI95%1.14-1.69) and that have rated their oral health as neither satisfied/nor dissatisfied (OR 1.79;CI95%1.41-2.26) and unfulfilled (OR 2.20; CI95%1.77-2.72). The very severe malocclusion was higher among residents of capital (OR 1.36; CI95%1.07-1.71) and that evaluated their oral health as neither satisfied/nor dissatisfied (OR 1.58; CI95%1.22-2.05) and unfulfilled (OR 2.44; CI95%1.96-3.03). The prevalence of malocclusion is high among Brazilian children, being their different severities associated with socio-demographic aspects.
Flório, F.M., Souza, João Gabriel Silva, Bauman , Claudiana Donato, Bauman, José Mansano . Aspectos sociodemográficos relacionados à gravidade da maloclusão em crianças Brasileiras de 12 anos.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/mai). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/aspectos-sociodemograficos-relacionados-a-gravidade-da-maloclusao-em-criancas-brasileiras-de-12-anos/15655?id=15655