0023/2023 - Associação entre a autopercepção auditiva e comprometimento cognitivo em idosos brasileiros: estudo populacional Association between auditory self-perception and cognitive impairment in Brazilian elderly: population survey
Introdução: Saúde cognitiva é fator importante para qualidade de vida e autonomia dos idosos e influenciada pela capacidade auditiva. Objetivo: Analisar a associação entre autopercepção auditiva e comprometimento cognitivo em idosos brasileiros. Método: Estudo transversal de base populacional com 4977 idosos que participaram do ELSI Brasil 2015. Comprometimento cognitivo (desfecho, categorizado como sim e não) e a variável de interesse (autopercepção auditiva, categorizada como boa, regular e ruim), ambos obtidos de forma autorreferida. Para a cognição foram considerados os domínios: orientação temporal, memória (curto e longo prazo) e linguagem (recente e tardia). Regressão de Poisson com estimativa de variância robusta foi utilizada para aferir a associação nas análises bruta e ajustada. Variáveis sociodemográficas, de estilo de vida e de histórico clínico foram utilizadas para ajuste das análises. Resultados: Dos participantes, 31,8% relataram audição regular ou ruim e 42% apresentaram comprometimento cognitivo. Na análise ajustada, idosos com audição ruim apresentaram maior força de associação com comprometimento cognitivo (RP 1,29 IC95% 1,24-1,29) em comparação com seus pares com audição boa. Conclusão: Em idosos brasileiros, quanto pior a autopercepção auditiva, maior a associação com o comprometimento cognitivo.
Transtornos da Percepção Auditiva, Disfunção Cognitiva, Idoso.
Introduction: Cognitive health is an important factor for the quality of life and autonomy of the elderly and is influenced by hearing ability. Objective: To analyze the association between auditory self-perception and cognitive impairment in Brazilian elderly. Method: Population-based cross-sectional study with 4977 elderly people who participated in the ELSI Brasil 2015. Cognitive impairment (outcome, categorized as yes and no) and the variable of interest (auditory self-perception, categorized as good, regular and poor), both obtained in a self-reported. For cognition, the following domains were considered: temporal orientation, memory (short and long term) and language (recent and late). Poisson regression with robust variance estimation was used to assess the association in the crude and adjusted analyses. Sociodemographic, lifestyle and clinical history variables were used to adjust the analyses. Results: Of the participants, Dos participantes, 31.8% selfrated hearing as regular or bad and 42% presented cognitive impairment. In the adjusted analysis, elderly people with poor hearing showed a stronger association with cognitive impairment (PR 1.29 95%CI 1.24-1.29) compared to their peers with good hearing. Conclusion: In elderly Brazilians, the worse the auditory self-perception, the greater the association with cognitive impairment.
Association between auditory self-perception and cognitive impairment in Brazilian elderly: population survey
Resumo (abstract):
Introduction: Cognitive health is an important factor for the quality of life and autonomy of the elderly and is influenced by hearing ability. Objective: To analyze the association between auditory self-perception and cognitive impairment in Brazilian elderly. Method: Population-based cross-sectional study with 4977 elderly people who participated in the ELSI Brasil 2015. Cognitive impairment (outcome, categorized as yes and no) and the variable of interest (auditory self-perception, categorized as good, regular and poor), both obtained in a self-reported. For cognition, the following domains were considered: temporal orientation, memory (short and long term) and language (recent and late). Poisson regression with robust variance estimation was used to assess the association in the crude and adjusted analyses. Sociodemographic, lifestyle and clinical history variables were used to adjust the analyses. Results: Of the participants, Dos participantes, 31.8% selfrated hearing as regular or bad and 42% presented cognitive impairment. In the adjusted analysis, elderly people with poor hearing showed a stronger association with cognitive impairment (PR 1.29 95%CI 1.24-1.29) compared to their peers with good hearing. Conclusion: In elderly Brazilians, the worse the auditory self-perception, the greater the association with cognitive impairment.
Oliveira, A.B., Anderle, P., Goulart, B.N.G.. Associação entre a autopercepção auditiva e comprometimento cognitivo em idosos brasileiros: estudo populacional. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2023/fev). [Citado em 23/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/associacao-entre-a-autopercepcao-auditiva-e-comprometimento-cognitivo-em-idosos-brasileiros-estudo-populacional/18649?id=18649