Este estudo investigou a mediação da autoestima nos comportamentos de saúde bucal dos adolescentes. Para avaliar a autoestima usou-se a escala de Rosenberg, já as características sociodemográficas e comportamentais foram analisadas por questões validadas em outros inquéritos. Com exceção da alimentação, a maior proporção dos adolescentes possuía bons comportamentos de saúde bucal. O número de adolescentes com alto nível de autoestima foi relevantemente menor que aqueles com baixa autoestima. A utilização dos serviços odontológicos, embora associado ao alto nível de autoestima, perdeu significância após ajustado pelo sexo, idade e escovação dos dentes. Porém, a análise de regressão logística múltipla, através das estimativas não-ajustadas e ajustadas com seus respectivos Intervalos de Confiança de 95%, evidenciou associação da autoestima com idade (p-valor=0,001) e frequência de escovação (p-valor=0,019). Independente do sexo, escolares maiores de 16 anos e com autoestima elevada, escovam seus dentes com maior frequência, adquirindo, possivelmente, melhor saúde bucal. Isto confirma a modulação da autoestima sobre os comportamentos de saúde bucal, e atesta a necessidade de implementar a análise e o exercício desse fator psicossocial na assistência à saúde bucal dos jovens.
This study investigated the mediation of self-esteem in adolescents\' oral health behaviors. The Rosenberg self-esteem scale was used to assess self-esteem, as datasocio-demographic and behavior characteristics were analyzed by questions validated in previous surveys. The teenagers had good oral health behavior, except unhealthy diet. The number of adolescents with high self-esteem was a lot smaller than those with low self-esteem. The use of dental services, even when associated with high self-esteem, lost significance after being adjusted by sex, age and tooth brushing frequency. Nevertheless, multiple logistic regression analysis, using unadjusted estimates and adjusted with their respective Confidence Intervals of 95%, showed a relationship of self-esteem with age (p-value=0.001) and tooth brushing frequency (p-value=0.019). Regardless of the sex, students over 16 years old with high self-esteem brush their teeth more often, having probably better oral health. These results confirm the modulation of self-esteem in oral health, and then it is necessary the analysis and the use of these psychosocial factors in the young oral health care.
Self-esteem. Health behavior. Oral health. Adolescent.
Self-esteem and oral health behavior in adolescents.
Resumo (abstract):
This study investigated the mediation of self-esteem in adolescents\' oral health behaviors. The Rosenberg self-esteem scale was used to assess self-esteem, as datasocio-demographic and behavior characteristics were analyzed by questions validated in previous surveys. The teenagers had good oral health behavior, except unhealthy diet. The number of adolescents with high self-esteem was a lot smaller than those with low self-esteem. The use of dental services, even when associated with high self-esteem, lost significance after being adjusted by sex, age and tooth brushing frequency. Nevertheless, multiple logistic regression analysis, using unadjusted estimates and adjusted with their respective Confidence Intervals of 95%, showed a relationship of self-esteem with age (p-value=0.001) and tooth brushing frequency (p-value=0.019). Regardless of the sex, students over 16 years old with high self-esteem brush their teeth more often, having probably better oral health. These results confirm the modulation of self-esteem in oral health, and then it is necessary the analysis and the use of these psychosocial factors in the young oral health care.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Self-esteem. Health behavior. Oral health. Adolescent.
Pazos, CTC, Austregésilo, SC, Goes, PSA. Autoestima e comportamentos de saúde bucal em adolescentes.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/mai). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
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