0472/2018 - Caracterização e quantificação dos resíduos perfurocortantes gerados por diabéticos do município de Umuarama, PR. Characterization and quantification of sharps waste generated by diabetics in Umuarama, PR county, Brazil.
A pesquisa teve como objetivo caracterizar e quantificar os resíduos perfurocortantes produzidos no domicílio de pessoas com diabetes mellitus (DM), bem como analisar as práticas de descarte desse material. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de um questionário aplicado aos pacientes da Atenção Primária. A amostra foi composta por 149 pessoas, das quais a maioria era idosa e com baixo nível de escolaridade. No que tange à geração dos resíduos, 88,64% dos depoentes atestaram utilizar uma seringa por dia, realizando de 1 a 4 aplicações. O reuso do material foi relatado por 66,67% dos investigados.
Depois de utilizados, os resíduos eram armazenados - com maior prevalência - em sacolas plásticas (20,80%), garrafas PET, frascos de amaciante/maionese, etc. (46,98%). O lixo doméstico comum foi o principal local de descarte dos perfurocortantes. Ademais, verificou-que aqueles que não receberam informações sobre o manejo dos resíduos os desprezam de maneira incorreta. Diante dos resultados, pode-se concluir que os diabéticos que participaram desse estudo possuem práticas inadequadas de acondicionamento e descarte dos perfurocortantes em decorrência da ausência de orientações e de programas públicos.
Diabetes Mellitus, Resíduos de Serviços de Saúde, Seringas.
The aim of the research was to characterize and quantify the sharps waste produced at home of people people with diabetes mellitus (DM), as well as the analyse the practice the disposal of this materials. The data collection was performed through a questionnaire applied to primary care patients. The sample consisted of 149 people, most of whom were elderly and with a low level of schooling. Regarding the generation of waste, 88.64% of the deponents attested to use one syringe per day, performing 1 to 4 applications. The reuse of the material was reported by 66.67% of the investigated. After being used, the residues were stored - with higher prevalence - in plastic bags (20.80%), PET bottles, jars the softener / mayonnaise, etc. (46.98%). In addition, it was verified that those it did not receive information on the waste management they discarded it incorrectly. In view of the results, it can be concluded that the diabetics who participated in this study have inadequate conditioning and disposal practices of the sharps due to the absence of guidelines and public programs.
Characterization and quantification of sharps waste generated by diabetics in Umuarama, PR county, Brazil.
Resumo (abstract):
The aim of the research was to characterize and quantify the sharps waste produced at home of people people with diabetes mellitus (DM), as well as the analyse the practice the disposal of this materials. The data collection was performed through a questionnaire applied to primary care patients. The sample consisted of 149 people, most of whom were elderly and with a low level of schooling. Regarding the generation of waste, 88.64% of the deponents attested to use one syringe per day, performing 1 to 4 applications. The reuse of the material was reported by 66.67% of the investigated. After being used, the residues were stored - with higher prevalence - in plastic bags (20.80%), PET bottles, jars the softener / mayonnaise, etc. (46.98%). In addition, it was verified that those it did not receive information on the waste management they discarded it incorrectly. In view of the results, it can be concluded that the diabetics who participated in this study have inadequate conditioning and disposal practices of the sharps due to the absence of guidelines and public programs.
Ruiz, J.B, Santos, L.N. Caracterização e quantificação dos resíduos perfurocortantes gerados por diabéticos do município de Umuarama, PR.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/Out). [Citado em 05/11/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/caracterizacao-e-quantificacao-dos-residuos-perfurocortantes-gerados-por-diabeticos-do-municipio-de-umuarama-pr/17005?id=17005