0496/2018 - Comportamento sedentário em diferentes domínios de mulheres adultas do sul do Brasil: Um estudo de base populacional. Sedentary behaviour in different domains of adult women in southern Brazil: A population based study.
O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever o comportamento sedentário (CS) nos domínios lazer, ocupação e deslocamento e verificar fatores associados ao excesso deste comportamento (ECS). Estudo transversal, com amostra representativa de 1.126 mulheres, 20-69 anos, de São Leopoldo/RS. CS, variáveis demográficas, socioeconômicas, comportamentais e relacionada à saúde foram avaliados através de questionário, aplicado em forma de entrevista. Considerou-se ECS valores acima da mediana. Utilizou-se regressão de Poisson com variância robusta. As medianas e intervalos interquartílicos (min/dia), para o CS no lazer, ocupação e deslocamento foram, respectivamente, 163,9 (86,6-2710,5), 54,1 (0-257,1) e 17,1 (5,7-37,3). A probabilidade do ECS no lazer aumentou com a escolaridade, foi maior entre as mulheres que não trabalhavam, sem crianças em casa e fumantes. Nos demais domínios, a probabilidade aumentou inversamente com a idade, foi maior entre mulheres brancas e aumentou com a classe econômica, escolaridade e renda. A probabilidade de ECS no deslocamento também aumentou com o número de carros no domicílio e foi 30% menor entre mulheres que não trabalhavam. O maior tempo de CS observado foi no domínio do lazer. As associações diferiram segundo o domínio, indicando distintas intervenções.
estilo de vida sedentário, saúde das mulheres, epidemiologia
The aim of this study was to describe sedentary behaviour (SB) in the leisure, occupational and transport domains and to determine the factors associated with excess of this behavior (ESB). A cross-sectional survey, with a representative sample of 1.126 women, 20-69 years old,São Leopoldo/RS. SB and demographic, socioeconomic, behavioural and health-related variables was obtained using an interview questionnaire. Values above the median were considered ESB. It was used Poisson regression with robust error variance. The mean and interquartile intervals (min/day), for leisure, occupational and transport were 163.9 (86.6-2710.5); 54.1 (0-257.1) and 17.1 (5.7-37.3), respectively. The probability of ESB in the leisure increased with the education level and was higher among women who were not employed, who had no children in the household and who were smokers. In other domains, probabilities increased inversely with age and were higher among white women, and also increased with economic class, education level and income. The probability of ESB in transport also increased with the number of cars per household and was 30% lower among women who were not employed. The longest time spent in SB was observed in the leisure domain. The associations differed according to the domain, indicating different interventions.
Sedentary behaviour in different domains of adult women in southern Brazil: A population based study.
Resumo (abstract):
The aim of this study was to describe sedentary behaviour (SB) in the leisure, occupational and transport domains and to determine the factors associated with excess of this behavior (ESB). A cross-sectional survey, with a representative sample of 1.126 women, 20-69 years old,São Leopoldo/RS. SB and demographic, socioeconomic, behavioural and health-related variables was obtained using an interview questionnaire. Values above the median were considered ESB. It was used Poisson regression with robust error variance. The mean and interquartile intervals (min/day), for leisure, occupational and transport were 163.9 (86.6-2710.5); 54.1 (0-257.1) and 17.1 (5.7-37.3), respectively. The probability of ESB in the leisure increased with the education level and was higher among women who were not employed, who had no children in the household and who were smokers. In other domains, probabilities increased inversely with age and were higher among white women, and also increased with economic class, education level and income. The probability of ESB in transport also increased with the number of cars per household and was 30% lower among women who were not employed. The longest time spent in SB was observed in the leisure domain. The associations differed according to the domain, indicating different interventions.
Cafruni, C.B, Olinto M.T.A, Dias da Costa, J.S.D, Bairros, F.S, Henn, R.L. Comportamento sedentário em diferentes domínios de mulheres adultas do sul do Brasil: Um estudo de base populacional.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/nov). [Citado em 23/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/comportamento-sedentario-em-diferentes-dominios-de-mulheres-adultas-do-sul-do-brasil-um-estudo-de-base-populacional/17029?id=17029