O uso indevido de benzodiazepínicos, especialmente entre mulheres, tem despertado preocupação na área de saúde pública. Este estudo objetivou compreender qualitativamente crenças e valores associados ao consumo indevido de benzodiazepínicos por mulheres. Foram entrevistadas trinta e três mulheres (18-60 anos) com histórico de uso indevido de benzodiazepínicos no último ano, selecionadas intencionalmente e por critérios. Os discursos foram transcritos e submetidos à análise de conteúdo com auxílio do software NVivo. A maioria das entrevistadas referiu tempo de uso de benzodiazepínicos bem superior ao recomendado (mediana: 7 anos) e compra com receita médica. Os motivos de uso mais citados foram diminuição da ansiedade, problemas de insônia e “fuga dos problemas”. Apesar de reconhecerem a possibilidade de dependência, esta não motivou a interrupção do uso. O acompanhamento médico não pareceu, necessariamente, estimular a percepção de risco dos benzodiazepínicos, sendo um fator que favoreceu a manutenção do uso prolongado.
Uso Indevido de Substâncias
Pesquisa Qualitativa
The misuse of benzodiazepines particularly among women has been a recent concern to public health. Studies show women as a risk group, but little is known about this phenomenon from the perspective of users. This qualitative study aimed at understanding the beliefs and values associated to benzodiazepines misuse among women. Thirty-three participants (aged from 18 to 60) with a history of misuse of benzodiazepines in the past year were selected by intentional criteria to be interviewed in depth. The speeches were fully transcribed and subjected to content analysis using NVivo software. The majority of respondents reported a long period of use (median 7 years) and that purchased the medicine using a medical prescription. Reasons for use were cited as to deal with anxiety, to improve the sleep and to “run out of the problems”. Even among those who recognized being addicted did not showed motivation to stop using it. Access to the doctor does not seem to influence the perception of risk of misusing benzodiazepines, including addiction, and it is showed as an important factor for the maintenance of prolonged use.
Anti-Anxiety Agents
Substance-Related Disorders
Qualitative Research
Patterns and context of benzodiazepine misuse among women
Resumo (abstract):
The misuse of benzodiazepines particularly among women has been a recent concern to public health. Studies show women as a risk group, but little is known about this phenomenon from the perspective of users. This qualitative study aimed at understanding the beliefs and values associated to benzodiazepines misuse among women. Thirty-three participants (aged from 18 to 60) with a history of misuse of benzodiazepines in the past year were selected by intentional criteria to be interviewed in depth. The speeches were fully transcribed and subjected to content analysis using NVivo software. The majority of respondents reported a long period of use (median 7 years) and that purchased the medicine using a medical prescription. Reasons for use were cited as to deal with anxiety, to improve the sleep and to “run out of the problems”. Even among those who recognized being addicted did not showed motivation to stop using it. Access to the doctor does not seem to influence the perception of risk of misusing benzodiazepines, including addiction, and it is showed as an important factor for the maintenance of prolonged use.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Anti-Anxiety Agents
Substance-Related Disorders
Qualitative Research
Souza, A.R.L., Noto, AR, Opaleye, E.S.. Contextos e padrões do uso indevido de benzodiazepínicos entre mulheres. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2012/mar). [Citado em 17/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/contextos-e-padroes-do-uso-indevido-de-benzodiazepinicos-entre-mulheres/9703?id=9703