0257/2018 - Descaminhos da seguridade social e desproteção social no Brasil. The displacement of social security and taking away of social protection in Brazil.
Após 30 anos de vigência, a CF-88 deve ser resgatada, comemorada mas também avaliada sobre quanto adquiriu de resistências social e política para efetivar suas determinações que, não só, conflitam com aquelas do período ditatorial, que a antecederam, como se mostraram pouco atraentes para as forças neoliberais do final da década de 80 e início dos anos 90, no Brasil, plenamente reconhecidas hoje como conservadoras. Uma das principais indicações da CF-88, objeto deste artigo, foi a concepção de proteção social estatal, pública e universal adotada sob a fundamentação de Segurança e/ou Seguridade Social e, com ela, o Orçamento da Seguridade Social. Essa concepção, ao longo dos 30 últimos anos, deslocou-se dessa matriz fundante, por efeito da força do conservadorismo, individualismo e da privatização. Comprimiu a responsabilidade provedora do Estado, condicionando o acesso à capacidade de consumo da commodity proteção social.
After 30 years, the CF-88 must be rescued, celebrated and also evaluated on how much social and political resistances was acquired to carry out its determinations. It does not only conflict with those of the dictatorial period that preceded it but it was also unattractive to neoliberal forces in Brazil in the late 1980s and early 1990s, they are now widely recognized as conservative. One of the main indications of the CF-88, the object of this article, was the state, the public and the universal social protection conception adopted under the foundation of Security and/or Social Security, and with it, the Social Security Budget. Over the last 30 years, this conception has shiftedthis founding matrix due to the strength of conservatism, individualism and privatization. It has compressed the state\'s accountability, conditioning access to the commodity\'s ability to consume social protection.
social security, social protection, benefits isonomy, tax exemption, human rights.
The displacement of social security and taking away of social protection in Brazil.
Resumo (abstract):
After 30 years, the CF-88 must be rescued, celebrated and also evaluated on how much social and political resistances was acquired to carry out its determinations. It does not only conflict with those of the dictatorial period that preceded it but it was also unattractive to neoliberal forces in Brazil in the late 1980s and early 1990s, they are now widely recognized as conservative. One of the main indications of the CF-88, the object of this article, was the state, the public and the universal social protection conception adopted under the foundation of Security and/or Social Security, and with it, the Social Security Budget. Over the last 30 years, this conception has shiftedthis founding matrix due to the strength of conservatism, individualism and privatization. It has compressed the state\'s accountability, conditioning access to the commodity\'s ability to consume social protection.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
social security, social protection, benefits isonomy, tax exemption, human rights.
Sposati, AO. Descaminhos da seguridade social e desproteção social no Brasil.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/mai). [Citado em 24/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/descaminhos-da-seguridade-social-e-desprotecao-social-no-brasil/16790?id=16790&id=16790