0030/2020 - Desigualdades regionais e o papel dos recursos federais no sus: Fatores políticos condicionam a alocação de recursos? Regional inequalities and the role of federal funds in the sus: Political factors affect the allocation of resources?
O presente trabalho apresenta como problema de pesquisa a discussão de fatores políticos enquanto condicionantes na alocação de recursos federais no SUS e seus efeitos nas desigualdades regionais. Tem-se como objetivo principal explorar a interveniência de fatores políticos como critérios na distribuição de recursos federais, considerando as desigualdades regionais no país. Utilizou-se de método misto, por meio de coleta de dados quantitativos para se estudar a alocação dos recursos para as unidades da federação, entre 2003 e 2017, em busca de casos emblemáticos (outliers), que demandem explicações mais profundas com base em métodos qualitativos. Aplicou-se o método Fuzzy-set QCA na etapa qualitativa de pesquisa para identificação de condições técnicas e políticas, enquanto necessárias e/ou suficientes, para uma distribuição atípica de recursos de um ano para o outro. Como resultado, a análise quantitativa demonstrou a diminuição das desigualdades regionais na alocação de recursos de MAC para estados das regiões Norte e Nordeste. Porém, ao estudar as condicionantes da distribuição dos recursos para os estados dessas regiões, a análise qualitativa demonstrou a influência de fatores políticos, e não somente fatores técnicos.
Fatores Políticos; Recursos Financeiros em Saúde; Ciência Política; Análise de Dados; Análise Qualitativa Comparativa.
The research problem in this paper is a discussion of political factors affecting the federal financial resources allocation in the Brazilian Unified Health System - SUS and their effects on regional inequalities. The main objective was to explore the influence of political factors as criteria for the distribution of federal funds, considering the regional inequalities. Mixed method was used by collecting quantitative data to study the allocation of resources for each unit of the Federation,2003 to 2017, in search of outliers, which require deeper explanations based on qualitative research methods. The method fuzzy-set QCA was applied in the step of qualitative research methods for identification of technical and political conditions, while necessaries and / or sufficients, for an atypical distribution of resourcesone year to another. The quantitative analysis demonstrated the decrease of regional inequalities in financial resources allocation to States of the North and Northeast. However, studying the constraints of the distribution of the federal funds for the States of these regions, the qualitative analysis demonstrated the influence of political factors conditioning the allocation of resources, and not only technical factors.
Political Factors; Resource Allocation; Political Science; Data Analysis; Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA).
Regional inequalities and the role of federal funds in the sus: Political factors affect the allocation of resources?
Resumo (abstract):
The research problem in this paper is a discussion of political factors affecting the federal financial resources allocation in the Brazilian Unified Health System - SUS and their effects on regional inequalities. The main objective was to explore the influence of political factors as criteria for the distribution of federal funds, considering the regional inequalities. Mixed method was used by collecting quantitative data to study the allocation of resources for each unit of the Federation,2003 to 2017, in search of outliers, which require deeper explanations based on qualitative research methods. The method fuzzy-set QCA was applied in the step of qualitative research methods for identification of technical and political conditions, while necessaries and / or sufficients, for an atypical distribution of resourcesone year to another. The quantitative analysis demonstrated the decrease of regional inequalities in financial resources allocation to States of the North and Northeast. However, studying the constraints of the distribution of the federal funds for the States of these regions, the qualitative analysis demonstrated the influence of political factors conditioning the allocation of resources, and not only technical factors.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Political Factors; Resource Allocation; Political Science; Data Analysis; Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA).
Carvalho, G.P. Desigualdades regionais e o papel dos recursos federais no sus: Fatores políticos condicionam a alocação de recursos?. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/fev). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/desigualdades-regionais-e-o-papel-dos-recursos-federais-no-sus-fatores-politicos-condicionam-a-alocacao-de-recursos/17512?id=17512