0258/2020 - Dietary supplements and body management of practicers of physical activity in gyms Suplementos alimentares e gerenciamentos do corpo de praticantes de atividade física em academias de ginástica
Os usos de suplementos alimentares fazem parte de uma das estratégias em que os praticantes de atividade física gerenciam seus corpos na contemporaneidade. A presente pesquisa buscou identificar e analisar os múltiplos usos dos suplementos alimentares por praticantes de atividade física e o que esses consumos representam para os usuários no que diz respeito a gerenciar o próprio corpo. Empreendeu-se um estudo qualitativo que se baseou nas aplicações de questionários no ambiente da internet a 67 praticantes de atividades físicas de academias de ginástica. Observou-se também a dinâmica dos grupos na internet. O material empírico foi analisado com base na análise de conteúdo. Os resultados indicaram que parte dos praticantes de atividades físicas acredita que os suplementos alimentares potencializam o ganho de massa muscular e aprimoram o desempenho. Já alguns questionam os efeitos de tais produtos no organismo, embora afirmem que facilitam a dieta cotidiana ou devem ser consumidos caso tenham sido prescritos por profissionais de saúde. Conclui-se que existem diferentes maneiras de usar esses produtos, que são frequentemente avaliados pelos consumidores.
Suplementos Alimentares; Academias de Ginástica; Educação Física e Treinamento; Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição; Treinamento de Resistência.
The use of dietary supplements integrates one of the strategies physical activity practicers employ to manage their bodies in contemporary times. This research sought to identify and analyze the multiple uses of dietary supplements done by these practicers and what such uses represent for them with regard to managing their own bodies. A qualitative study was conducted based on the application of online questionnaires to 67 physical activity practicers who frequent gyms. There was also an observation of the groups dynamics in the internet. The resulting empirical material was analyzed using content analysis. Results indicated that part of these practicers believe that dietary supplements aid in gaining muscular mass and improve performance. Furthermore, some of them question the effects of such products on the body although they claim that dietary supplements facilitate diets or should be used only when prescribed by health professionals. In conclusion, there are different ways of using these products, which are often evaluated by consumers.
Dietary Supplements; Fitness Centers; Physical Education and Training; Diet, Food, and Nutrition; Resistance Training.
Suplementos alimentares e gerenciamentos do corpo de praticantes de atividade física em academias de ginástica
Resumo (abstract):
The use of dietary supplements integrates one of the strategies physical activity practicers employ to manage their bodies in contemporary times. This research sought to identify and analyze the multiple uses of dietary supplements done by these practicers and what such uses represent for them with regard to managing their own bodies. A qualitative study was conducted based on the application of online questionnaires to 67 physical activity practicers who frequent gyms. There was also an observation of the groups dynamics in the internet. The resulting empirical material was analyzed using content analysis. Results indicated that part of these practicers believe that dietary supplements aid in gaining muscular mass and improve performance. Furthermore, some of them question the effects of such products on the body although they claim that dietary supplements facilitate diets or should be used only when prescribed by health professionals. In conclusion, there are different ways of using these products, which are often evaluated by consumers.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Dietary Supplements; Fitness Centers; Physical Education and Training; Diet, Food, and Nutrition; Resistance Training.
SILVA, A. C., Lüdorf, S.M.A. Dietary supplements and body management of practicers of physical activity in gyms. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/ago). [Citado em 22/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/dietary-supplements-and-body-management-of-practicers-of-physical-activity-in-gyms/17740?id=17740