0246/2019 - Dilemas na regulação do acesso à atenção especializada de crianças com condições crônicas complexas de saúde. Dilemmas in regulating access to specialized care for children with complex chronic health conditions.
O presente artigo objetivou analisar o acesso de crianças com condições crônicas complexas de saúde à atenção especializada identificando seus dilemas e contrapontos. A seleção dos sujeitos de pesquisa foi realizada considerando a participação de fonoaudiólogos em um grupo virtual cuja dinâmica sinalizava a dificuldade dos integrantes, servidores públicos municipais, na conduta de encaminhar pacientes aos serviços de saúde. Foram realizadas entrevistas presenciais com 14 fonoaudiólogos deste grupo, que atuam com crianças. O estudo das dificuldades enfrentadas pelos entrevistados possibilitou identificar que a regulação assistencial via SISREG é um agravante das dificuldades de acesso. Neste sentido, os dilemas mencionados foram agrupados em três eixos temáticos: (1)Espera para marcação das consultas, (2)Distância dos locais de atendimento e (3)Equívocos no processo de encaminhamento. Além disso, a atuação do NASF-AB foi identificada como um fator relevante na facilitação do acesso de crianças aos serviços da atenção especializada no trabalho em parceria com a regulação. Conclui-se que a presença de mediadores no âmbito dos cuidados em saúde beneficia a população com dificuldades de acesso aos serviços, dentre as quais, as crianças com condições crônicas complexas de saúde.
criança, doenças crônicas, acesso aos serviços de saúde, fonoaudiologia.
This article aimed to analyze the access of children with complex chronic health conditions to specialized care, identifying their dilemmas and counterpointsthe perspective of speech pathologists. The ion of research subjects was made considering the participation in a virtual group whose dynamics signaled the difficulty of members, municipal civil servants, in the conduct of referring patients to health services. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 14 speech therapiststhis group who work with children. The study of the difficulties faced by the interviewees made it possible to identify that the care regulation via SISREG is an aggravating factor in the difficulties of access. In this sense, the mentioned dilemmas were summarized in three topics: (1) Waiting to make appointments, (2) distancethe places of care and (3) mistakes in the referral process. In addition, the work of (2) NASF-AB was identified as a relevant factor in facilitating children\'s access to specialized care services in partnership with regulation. It is concluded that the presence of mediators in health care benefits the population with difficult access to services, among which, children with complex chronic health conditions.
child, chronic disease, health services accessibility, Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences.
Dilemmas in regulating access to specialized care for children with complex chronic health conditions.
Resumo (abstract):
This article aimed to analyze the access of children with complex chronic health conditions to specialized care, identifying their dilemmas and counterpointsthe perspective of speech pathologists. The ion of research subjects was made considering the participation in a virtual group whose dynamics signaled the difficulty of members, municipal civil servants, in the conduct of referring patients to health services. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 14 speech therapiststhis group who work with children. The study of the difficulties faced by the interviewees made it possible to identify that the care regulation via SISREG is an aggravating factor in the difficulties of access. In this sense, the mentioned dilemmas were summarized in three topics: (1) Waiting to make appointments, (2) distancethe places of care and (3) mistakes in the referral process. In addition, the work of (2) NASF-AB was identified as a relevant factor in facilitating children\'s access to specialized care services in partnership with regulation. It is concluded that the presence of mediators in health care benefits the population with difficult access to services, among which, children with complex chronic health conditions.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
child, chronic disease, health services accessibility, Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences.
Silva, M.F, Moreira, M. C. N.. Dilemas na regulação do acesso à atenção especializada de crianças com condições crônicas complexas de saúde.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/ago). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/dilemas-na-regulacao-do-acesso-a-atencao-especializada-de-criancas-com-condicoes-cronicas-complexas-de-saude/17320?id=17320