0302/2020 - Doenças crônicas não transmissíveis e suas implicaçoes na vida de idosos dependentes Chronic non-communicable diseases and their implications in the life of dependent elderly people
Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar as implicações das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis em idosos dependentes.Trata-se de um estudo multicêntrico com abordagem qualitativa em que foram realizadas entrevistas semi estruturadas com 59 idosos dependentes que tinham diagnóstico de doença crônica. Para a análise das informações, utilizou-se a técnica da Análise Temática. A maioria dos idosos era do sexo feminino, da raça branca, com baixa escolaridade e vivia com a filha. Todos faziam tratamento medicamentoso e as doenças cardio circulatórias foram as mais prevalentes. As implicações das doenças crônicas se manifestam no uso de medicamentos,que também se constituem como fator de risco; na condição da dependência e na vivência com doenças crônicas, que denotam em maior uso dos serviços de saúde; no alto impacto econômico das doenças crônicas para as famílias e para o Estado; e na precariedade da renda familiar, que condicionam os idosos a contarem com poucos dispositivos de apoio social e comunitário.
Doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, idosos dependentes, envelhecimento
This study aims to investigate the implications of chronic non-communicable diseases in dependent elderly people.whose objective was to investigate the implications of chronic non-communicable diseases in dependent elderly people.It treatsmulticenter study, with an approach in which semi-structured interviews were carried out with 59 dependent elderly people who were diagnosed with chronic diseases on the following topics: sociodemographic characteristics; family constitution; life situation; experience; functional, cognitive, mental / emotional and social dependence. It was observed that the majority were female, white, with low education and lived with their daughter. All were undergoing drug treatment and cardiocirculatory diseases were the most prevalent. Among the qualitative statements, the following stand out: use of medicines as a risk factor; the use of health services on a larger scale; the economic impact of chronic diseases for families and the state; the multiple chronic diseases presented; precarious family income; social and community support devices.
Chronic non-communicable diseases and their implications in the life of dependent elderly people
Resumo (abstract):
This study aims to investigate the implications of chronic non-communicable diseases in dependent elderly people.whose objective was to investigate the implications of chronic non-communicable diseases in dependent elderly people.It treatsmulticenter study, with an approach in which semi-structured interviews were carried out with 59 dependent elderly people who were diagnosed with chronic diseases on the following topics: sociodemographic characteristics; family constitution; life situation; experience; functional, cognitive, mental / emotional and social dependence. It was observed that the majority were female, white, with low education and lived with their daughter. All were undergoing drug treatment and cardiocirculatory diseases were the most prevalent. Among the qualitative statements, the following stand out: use of medicines as a risk factor; the use of health services on a larger scale; the economic impact of chronic diseases for families and the state; the multiple chronic diseases presented; precarious family income; social and community support devices.
Figueiredo, A. E. B, Ceccon, R.F, Figueiredo, J.H,C. Doenças crônicas não transmissíveis e suas implicaçoes na vida de idosos dependentes. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/set). [Citado em 23/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/doencas-cronicas-nao-transmissiveis-e-suas-implicacoes-na-vida-de-idosos-dependentes/17784?id=17784