0112/2021 - Educação entre pares: protagonismo juvenil na abordagem preventiva de Álcool e Outras Drogas Peer education: youth protagonism in health education on alcohol and other drugs
O artigo objetiva descrever a experiência do curso Saúde e Segurança na Escola, que formou jovens para a multiplicação de saberes na prevenção de álcool e outras drogas, por meio da metodologia da educação entre pares. O curso teve a participação de 60 jovens do ensino médio, entre 15 e 19 anos, de 8 escolas da rede pública do DF. A atividade foi estruturada em 8 módulos, sendo um encontro de debate de conteúdo; um segundo momento de atuação em campo nas escolas, onde os educandos fizeram a formação/multiplicação com seus colegas; e, por fim, um novo encontro para a devolutiva dos educandos a respeito da experiência no campo. Todas as atividades foram registradas em diários de campo, fotografias e relatórios, subsidiando o presente relato de experiência. Ao final, foi realizado um fórum de estudantes, no qual os jovens apresentaram os projetos a serem desenvolvidos nas escolas. A experiência de educação entre pares permitiu o protagonismo juvenil em sua comunidade escolar e em seu território, valorizando a troca entre pessoas com experiências semelhantes. Assim sendo, viabilizou a elaboração de estratégias críticas e artisticamente potentes para ações de caráter preventivo direcionadas a adolescentes em situação de vulnerabilidade social, fomentando a promoção da saúde no ambiente escolar.
educação em saúde; adolescentes; drogas ilícitas; alcoolismo
The objective was to describe the experience of the course Health and Safety at School, which trained youth in to multiply knowledge in the prevention of alcohol and other drugs, using the peer education methodology. Sixty high school youth aged between 15 and 19 years and belonging to 8 public schoolsthe Federal District participated. The activity was structured: 8 modules, and for each module, a content debate meeting; a second moment of field performance at the schools, students did the training/multiplication with their colleagues; and, finally, a new meeting for the students\' feedback regarding their experience in the field. All activities were recorded in field diaries, photographs, and reports, subsidizing the present experience report. Ultimately, a student forum was held in which the youth presented the projects to be developed at the schools. The peer education experience allowed the youth protagonism in their school community and territory, encouraging the sharing of ideas and doubts among adolescents themselves, and valuing the exchange between people with similar experiences. It allows the development of critical and artistically potent strategies for preventive actions directed to adolescents in situations of social vulnerability, and encouraging health promotion in the school.
health education; adolescent; illicit drugs; alcoholism.
Peer education: youth protagonism in health education on alcohol and other drugs
Resumo (abstract):
The objective was to describe the experience of the course Health and Safety at School, which trained youth in to multiply knowledge in the prevention of alcohol and other drugs, using the peer education methodology. Sixty high school youth aged between 15 and 19 years and belonging to 8 public schoolsthe Federal District participated. The activity was structured: 8 modules, and for each module, a content debate meeting; a second moment of field performance at the schools, students did the training/multiplication with their colleagues; and, finally, a new meeting for the students\' feedback regarding their experience in the field. All activities were recorded in field diaries, photographs, and reports, subsidizing the present experience report. Ultimately, a student forum was held in which the youth presented the projects to be developed at the schools. The peer education experience allowed the youth protagonism in their school community and territory, encouraging the sharing of ideas and doubts among adolescents themselves, and valuing the exchange between people with similar experiences. It allows the development of critical and artistically potent strategies for preventive actions directed to adolescents in situations of social vulnerability, and encouraging health promotion in the school.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
health education; adolescent; illicit drugs; alcoholism.
Padrão, M. R. A. de V., Tomasini, A. J., Romero, M. L., Silva, D., Cavaca, A.G., Köptcke, L. S.. Educação entre pares: protagonismo juvenil na abordagem preventiva de Álcool e Outras Drogas. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2021/abr). [Citado em 04/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/educacao-entre-pares-protagonismo-juvenil-na-abordagem-preventiva-de-alcool-e-outras-drogas/18011?id=18011