0208/2016 - Escalas de percepção da insegurança alimentar validadas: a experiência dos países da América Latina e Caribe Perception scales of validated food insecurity: the experience of Latin America and the Caribbean
Objetivou-se nesta revisão sistemática comparar as escalas de insegurança alimentar validadas e utilizadas nos países latino-americanos e caribenhos, e analisar os métodos empregados nos estudos de validação. Realizou-se busca nas bases eletrônicas LILACS, SciELO e MEDLINE. As publicações foram pré-selecionas pelos títulos e resumos, e posteriormente pela leitura integral. Dos 16.325 estudos revisados, selecionou-se 14. Foram identificadas 12 escalas validadas para os seguintes países: Venezuela, Brasil, Colômbia, Bolívia, Equador, Costa Rica, México, Haiti, República Dominicana, Argentina e Guatemala. Além dessas, tem-se a escala latino-americana e caribenha cuja abrangência é regional. As escalas variaram em relação ao padrão de referência utilizado, número de questões e diagnóstico da insegurança. Os métodos empregados pelos estudos para validação interna foi cálculo do coeficiente alfa de Cronbach e modelo Rasch; para validação externa os autores calcularam associação e/ou correlação com variáveis socioeconômicas e de consumo alimentar. A exitosa experiência da América Latina e Caribe no desenvolvimento de escalas nacionais e regional pode ser exemplo para outros países que ainda não possuem esse importante indicador capaz de dimensionar o fenômeno da insegurança alimentar.
segurança alimentar e nutricionalestudos de validaçãoAmérica Latina.
The objective of this systematic review comparing the validated food insecurity scales and used in Latin American and Caribbean countries, and analyze the methods used in validation studies. It conducted search in the electronic databases LILACS, SciELO and MEDLINE. The publications were pre-selecionas the titles and abstracts, and later by the full reading. Of the 16.325 studies reviewed, we selected 14. It identified 12 validated scales for the following countries: Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Mexico, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Argentina and Guatemala. Besides these, there is the Latin American and Caribbean range whose scope is regional. The scales ranged from the standard reference used, number of questions and diagnosis of insecurity. The methods used by the studies for internal validation was calculating Cronbach‘s alpha and Rasch model; for external validation the authors calculated association and /or correlation with socioeconomic and food consumption variables. The successful experience of Latin America and the Caribbean in the development of national and regional scales can be example for other countries that do not have this important indicator able to measure the phenomenon of food insecurity.
Food and Nutrition SecurityValidation StudiesLatin America
Perception scales of validated food insecurity: the experience of Latin America and the Caribbean
Resumo (abstract):
The objective of this systematic review comparing the validated food insecurity scales and used in Latin American and Caribbean countries, and analyze the methods used in validation studies. It conducted search in the electronic databases LILACS, SciELO and MEDLINE. The publications were pre-selecionas the titles and abstracts, and later by the full reading. Of the 16.325 studies reviewed, we selected 14. It identified 12 validated scales for the following countries: Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Mexico, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Argentina and Guatemala. Besides these, there is the Latin American and Caribbean range whose scope is regional. The scales ranged from the standard reference used, number of questions and diagnosis of insecurity. The methods used by the studies for internal validation was calculating Cronbach‘s alpha and Rasch model; for external validation the authors calculated association and /or correlation with socioeconomic and food consumption variables. The successful experience of Latin America and the Caribbean in the development of national and regional scales can be example for other countries that do not have this important indicator able to measure the phenomenon of food insecurity.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Food and Nutrition SecurityValidation StudiesLatin America
Sperandio, N., Morais, D.C., Priore, S.E. Escalas de percepção da insegurança alimentar validadas: a experiência dos países da América Latina e Caribe. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/mai). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/escalas-de-percepcao-da-inseguranca-alimentar-validadas-a-experiencia-dos-paises-da-america-latina-e-caribe/15633?id=15633