0238/2017 - Especialismo, especificidade e identidade - as controvérsias em torno do autismo no SUS Specialism, specificity and identity – the controversies around autism in the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS)
A aprovação da Lei no 12.764/2012 representou uma vitória do ativismo político de familiares de autistas no Brasil, mas também deu visibilidade a um enorme antagonismo entre uma parcela significativa de pais de autistas e a rede de saúde mental. Este artigo analisa o posicionamento dos diferentes atores envolvidos na controvérsia que se sucedeu à aprovação e regulamentação da lei, e procura demonstrar as razões pelas quais essa polêmica antecede à lei e não se resolve com ela. Argumenta-se que a conturbada relação entre o movimento político de pais de autistas e a rede de saúde mental pode ser mais bem entendida se tomarmos a construção e a legitimação de uma rede de expertise a respeito dos transtornos do espectro autista como indissociável da construção de uma identidade social e política para os autistas no Brasil. O artigo utiliza como referência teórica os Estudos sobre Expertise e Experiência, que têm como principal pano de fundo uma discussão acerca do novo regime de relações entre a pesquisa científica e a sociedade civil. Entretanto, demonstramos também que a consolidação dessa rede de expertise vem ocorrendo apesar da ausência de uma ampla rede de tratamentos especializados e de uma reconfiguração profunda no regime de pesquisa e de produção de conhecimento sobre autismo no Brasil.
autismo; expertise; experiência; identidade.
The approval of federal law 12.764/2012 represented a victory for the political activism of parents of autistic people in Brazil, and also gave visibility to the enormous antagonism between a significant number of parents of autistic people and the mental health network. This article examines the perspectives of different social actors involved in the controversy that took place after the approval and enactment of this law, and seeks to show why this controversy precedes the law and is not resolved by it. We argue that the troubled relationship between the political movement of parents of autistic people and the mental health network can be better understood once one takes the construction and consolidation of a network of expertise around autism spectrum disorders as inseparablethe construction of a social and political identity for autistic people in Brazil. The article draws inspirationthe Studies of Expertise and Experience, which discuss the new regime of relations between scientific research and civil society. Nevertheless, we also demonstrate that consolidation of this expertise network has been happening in spite of the absence of a wide specialized treatment network and of a profound reconfiguration in the regime of scientific research and production of knowledge about autism in Brazil.
Specialism, specificity and identity – the controversies around autism in the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS)
Resumo (abstract):
The approval of federal law 12.764/2012 represented a victory for the political activism of parents of autistic people in Brazil, and also gave visibility to the enormous antagonism between a significant number of parents of autistic people and the mental health network. This article examines the perspectives of different social actors involved in the controversy that took place after the approval and enactment of this law, and seeks to show why this controversy precedes the law and is not resolved by it. We argue that the troubled relationship between the political movement of parents of autistic people and the mental health network can be better understood once one takes the construction and consolidation of a network of expertise around autism spectrum disorders as inseparablethe construction of a social and political identity for autistic people in Brazil. The article draws inspirationthe Studies of Expertise and Experience, which discuss the new regime of relations between scientific research and civil society. Nevertheless, we also demonstrate that consolidation of this expertise network has been happening in spite of the absence of a wide specialized treatment network and of a profound reconfiguration in the regime of scientific research and production of knowledge about autism in Brazil.
Rios, Clarice Monteiro Machado, Camargo Jr, K.R. Especialismo, especificidade e identidade - as controvérsias em torno do autismo no SUS. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/jul). [Citado em 23/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/especialismo-especificidade-e-identidade-as-controversias-em-torno-do-autismo-no-sus/16287?id=16287