0253/2024 - Excesso de Peso e Fatores Associados entre Adultos Indígenas Xavante, Brasil Central Overweight and Associated Factors among Xavante indigenous adults, Central Brazil
Considerada um importante problema de saúde pública entre os povos indígenas no Brasil, a obesidade constitui-se um fator de risco para doenças e agravos não transmissíveis. Objetivou-se descrever a ocorrência de excesso de peso e obesidade e fatores associados em adultos indígenas Xavante, por meio de um inquérito nutricional realizado na população ? 15 anos residente nas Terras Indígenas Pimentel Barbosa e Wedezé, Mato Grosso, Brasil Central, no período de junho a agosto de 2011. Foram investigadas oito das 10 aldeias existentes no território. Coletaram-se dados antropométricos, de bioimpedância e socioeconômicos. Participaram deste estudo 495 indivíduos, correspondendo a 94,1% da população alvo. As prevalências de excesso de peso e obesidade foram de 65,9% (Masc:63,2%; Fem:68,6%) e 19,8% (Masc:21,3%; Fem:18,2%), respectivamente. No modelo de regressão múltipla, as prevalências de excesso de peso foram maiores nas mulheres, nas faixas etárias e nível de escolaridade superiores, nos indivíduos residentes no 2º grupo de aldeias e nos domicílios com baixo de consumo de alimentos de cultivo e criação. Aumento na faixa etária de 20 a 49 anos e nos indivíduos residentes em domicílios com baixo consumo de alimentos oriundos da caça, pesca e coleta apresentaram as maiores prevalências de obesidade.
Saúde dos povos indígenas; Obesidade; Epidemiologia; Xavante.
Considered an important public health problem among indigenous peoples in Brazil, obesity is a risk factor for non-communicable diseases and conditions. The objective was to describe the occurrence of overweight and obesity and associated factors in Xavante indigenous adults, through a nutritional survey carried out in the population ≥ 15 years old living in the Pimentel Barbosa and Wedezé Indigenous Lands, Mato Grosso, Central Brazil, during the period of June to August 2011. Eight of the 10 villages in the territory were investigated. Anthropometric, bioimpedance and socioeconomic data were collected. 495 individuals participated in this study, corresponding to 94.1% of the target population. The prevalence of overweight and obesity was 65.9% (Male:63.2%; Female:68.6%) and 19.8% (Male:21.3%; Female:18.2%), respectively. In the multiple regression model, the prevalence of excess weight was higher in women, in higher age groups and education levels, in individuals living in group 2 of villages and in households with low consumption of farmed and farmed foods. An increase in the age group20 to 49 years and in individuals living in households with low consumption of foodhunting, fishing and gathering presented the highest prevalence of obesity.
Health of indigenous peoples; Obesity; Epidemiology; Xavante.
Overweight and Associated Factors among Xavante indigenous adults, Central Brazil
Resumo (abstract):
Considered an important public health problem among indigenous peoples in Brazil, obesity is a risk factor for non-communicable diseases and conditions. The objective was to describe the occurrence of overweight and obesity and associated factors in Xavante indigenous adults, through a nutritional survey carried out in the population ≥ 15 years old living in the Pimentel Barbosa and Wedezé Indigenous Lands, Mato Grosso, Central Brazil, during the period of June to August 2011. Eight of the 10 villages in the territory were investigated. Anthropometric, bioimpedance and socioeconomic data were collected. 495 individuals participated in this study, corresponding to 94.1% of the target population. The prevalence of overweight and obesity was 65.9% (Male:63.2%; Female:68.6%) and 19.8% (Male:21.3%; Female:18.2%), respectively. In the multiple regression model, the prevalence of excess weight was higher in women, in higher age groups and education levels, in individuals living in group 2 of villages and in households with low consumption of farmed and farmed foods. An increase in the age group20 to 49 years and in individuals living in households with low consumption of foodhunting, fishing and gathering presented the highest prevalence of obesity.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Health of indigenous peoples; Obesity; Epidemiology; Xavante.
Tavares, F. G., Lucena, J. R. M., Cardoso, A. M.. Excesso de Peso e Fatores Associados entre Adultos Indígenas Xavante, Brasil Central. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2024/jun). [Citado em 26/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/excesso-de-peso-e-fatores-associados-entre-adultos-indigenas-xavante-brasil-central/19301?id=19301&id=19301